Chapter 18 (M)

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2 Years later


Jennie and Lisa are still going strong for 3 years now. While Jisoo and Chaeng got closer and closer, the Team is doing well and the squad is as strong as ever. Everything is going smoothly for the past 2 years. However, Lisa and Jennie haven't told Jennie's family yet. They're still afraid of Jennie's Mom. They both don't wanna hurt her mom but they knew it has to be revealed one day.

Last year, Lisa introduced Jennie to her family. They like her as soon as they spent the whole dinner together at Lisa's place when her parents came for her Birthday last year.

Lisa's POV

" Babe,.. When are we gonna tell them ?, I mean, its been a year since I introduced you to my Family.... I'm not forcing you ok? I just wanna prepare " I sheepishly smile.

" Babe...,  I'm sorry.... I -

" Nini I love you... "

" I love you too Lisa, I do, God ! I love you.. Its just ... Mom wi--'

" Then it's ok !... as long as you love me.... I don't care about anything else. " I said looking at her.

" Lili.... I'm sorry, I love you baby..." She said and look straight into my eyes.

" I just want them to know that I'll take care of you.... That there is someone who love's you the way they do too. Or maybe more hehe "

She didn't say anything and just look at me. Its been 3 years since we got together. It's been amazing , I've got to hold her, to kiss her to see her everyday, to make her smile, to hear those addictive laugh. I got to love her, annnnndddd  got to love by this amazing woman lying beside me.

We're at my house today. I bought a new Studio. A 3 story Building. My space on the rooftop, a mini bar like, on the second floor ( for the squad of course, like an extension to their office hahaha ) And my Studio on the basement ( not literally but it's kinda underground ) We've been spending weekends like this, lazing around or watch movie or cook or baked, she loves baking tho, she's good at it. I remember her said " Someday Ill make cakes for my future kids too"

That ignites something inside me. I want her to be the mother of my kids. To be my wife. Did she feel the same way ? Will she marry me---

Smooch*.... she just gave me a long sweeet peck on my lips ! Gosh !

" Why are you looking at me like that ? " She asked , looking at me with those cat liked eye that i love so much ........

" Cause your beautiful."

" NNahhh, you love me hahahaha"

" I do..... Will you marry me "

" Lisa....... "

" I'm serious Nini "

" Hey ! Don't joke like that ! "

" Whuuuuut ????  Do think I'm joking ! ?"

" Lisa.... My mom...."

" Nini, I'm not asking you to marry me now "

" I will marry you Lisa, I may not know what tomorrow  brings but I just knew that.... It's you whom I want to spend the rest of my life with. "

I lean closer and closer and claim her lips, she parted her lips and accepted my tongue, she moaned softly... I love hearing those, It's like a music soothing me. We deepens the kiss, I'm starting to feel hot and bothered. I hover on top of her without breaking the kiss. She kisses me aggressively , I haven't seen her like this.... She's so aggressive and super hot ! We unwillingly broke the kiss and look at each others eyes.

" I love you..... " She said

" I love you too, sooo damn match ! " I said caressing her face. I'm looking at the most beautiful woman on earth.

" Lisa..... let's do it ..." She said straight into my eyes and blushed.

" Baby are you sure ...?" I asked, God! We haven't gone this far,

" I'm ready Lili... are you? "

" I always dreamed of making love with you "

" Then make love to be baby......" She seductively said. Fuck ! I'm getting hard.

I kiss her, slowly ..... We kissed slowly , we bite each other's tongue and moan.... God she made me moan tooo. She spread her legs and made me settle on top of her. The  slow kiss turned into an aggressive one. We fought for dominance... I let her bite me once in a while,   I move down her neck, lick it, kiss it, finding that spot.

I'm so turn on, fuck ! I'm so hard I'm starting to grind on her clothed center making her moan louder.....

" Ahhh lisa....... "

" Ahhhhh ahhhh ahhhhhh Lissaaaaa....."
I grind faster

" Baby.... It feels goooood .... Ghaaaaad lisssssss....  Babyyyyyyy ahhhhh "

I grind a harder. Still licking her neck.

" Ooh ! Fuck! Babyyyyyy..... Ahhhhh ahhhhh ahhhhhhh ahhh ! Lisaaaaaa.... Fuck!  it feels goooood babyyyy...."

God! Shes a moaning mess. I can feel her coming .. She's breathing heavily ....

" Faster ! More ! Baaabbbbyyyyyy.... Lisaa  !  fuck ! I feel weird. God !  Lisaa !!!!!! I think im about to cum........... Ahhhhhh"

" Cum baby cum! .... Cum for mere "

" Ahhh ahh ahhhh ahhh Lisaaaaa..... Touch my breast babyyyyy pleeaasee I need you there babyyyyy ahhh ahhh "

I do as I told. Licking her mound through her lacy bra. She moaned loudly her breath getting shorter and shorter. I fasten my grinding , finding soo much pleasure too.

" baby!!! Ahh ahh ahh ahh ! Babyyyyyyyy  Im cumming ... Im cumming ! Goood lisaaaa Im cummi- ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ".... she screamed, arching her back. God that was sexy as fuck! She shakes violently.

I held her until she regains her breath. She looked at me with those tired eyes with a smile.... That made my heart swell with pride as I realized I did that to her.

" Give me a minute ....."

" No love, sleep im fine ... "

" No baby ... I want you "

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