Chapter 26

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Third Person POV

After that faithful night.. Everything went to normal for the couple, Lisa started her review. Jennie continues her work while trying to open up to her Mom a little about her relationship with Lisa.

There was One night when they are watching news on TV about LGBTQ trying to get a gender equality rights for them on the society. But being in a conservative country like South Korea. All they received are harsh comments on the internet.

" Tsk  tsk tsk! This poeple really,... So, we normal people should adjust for them ? Why can't they just stay normal like us ?.." Her Mom annoyingly stated.

" Mom..... they are normal too. What's so wrong about them? "

" God created Man and Woman, they meant for each other the moment the universe was created! , so why would they marry a same gender for goddess sake ! ? Where are the normal in there Jennie???"

" Mom.. can we choose who to love? "

" No... but, you know what's right and wrong my daughter. You should know. " Her Mom's words cuts a deep wound in her heart .

" In love... what's right and wrong Mom.., you said, I should listen to my heart, cause the heart will know what I really want ."

" Sigh, your Dad, he cheated on me for someone else sweety, I loved him.. I fought for him only to found out that I was the mistress... " Her mom said, looking down, Jennie felt a ln intense sense of guilt for lying to her Mom.

" Mom... "

" I love him sweety... but his not mine. His her's. Tho, it hurts like hell. I did what I should. What's right. and that is... to raise you and your oppa and let go of your dad. "
Her Mom said, smiling sweety at Jennie.

" Thank you Mom...for everything, but if I ever did a mistake that will hurt you. Will you ever forgive me?"

" You're my daughter, everyone makes mistakes, I did too. Mistakes makes us human is what they say sweety.. I love you more than anything else in this world, you and your oppa is all I have. " Those words made Jennie's heart swelled with sadness.

After the conversation with her Mom, Jennie felt more pressure and fear. She didn't let anyone know, She kept it for herself that caused her to lose her mental focused at work, she's not as jolly as she is around her friends.

" Ahh !" Jennie shouted as she bumped her hips on the table.

Chaeyoung hurriedly went to check her.

" Wifey you OK? "

" Yeah it hurts a little but its ok. "

" You've been so out of it lately. I know there's something wrong. Tell me "

"Nothing's wrong." she coldly said.

" Oww! you can't lie to me wifey. Tell me "

" Stop Chaeng ! Stop butting in into my problems ! " She shouted that caused everyone to look at her. She didn't care and just leave.

Chaeng was do shock cause it never happens in their lifetime friendship.

Nayeon: " Chaeng... go after her. "

Chaeng :" She just shouted at me.."

Nayeon : " And it means a serious problem, you're the hubby, come on ! She need us now, more than anything. We'll cover this up, go after her"

Chaeng looked at Jisoo and got  a nod from her.

Chaeng hurriedly looked everywhere for Jennie, The pantry, lobby,  comfort room, there's no sight of Jennie. She asked the Guard on the entrance and found out Jennie left the building already. She hurriedly called Lisa.

Dialing Lisa 🤡

"Hello Chaeng wazup ? "

"Hey ! Are you with my wifey ? "

" Whut ? You are supposed to be with her Chaeng , it's office hours !"

" Where are you ?"

" Review Center .. Chaeng tell me what's going on... " A hint of worry in Lisa's voice.

" Wifey left the office she's seem so off lately, did you two -"

" No, I'l look for her. "

" Sorry Lisa I'm getting really worried , I'm currently on it, I just need your help "

" Ok ok ! You called home? "

" not yet I called you first. "

" Call them, I'll check my place and call her ok. ? "

" Ok, thanks lis. ". 


After the call, I hurriedly left the room and went straight to my car, I drive while dialing her no.


" The number you have dialed is either unattended or out of coverage area, please try your later. "

"FUCK !"  Where are you Nini.please be safe baby.

I went to my house, she's not in every corner, went to the park we sometimes visits. I'm getting really nervous.


After the call I dialed Auntie's and Taehyung Oppa's no. Asking about wifey and they're not with her too. I've been looking around our neighborhood for her, asking some store owners. But no sight of her.

" Wifey, please be safe " I was really getting nervous .

It's been 2 hours and no sight of my Wifey.. Her Mom is worried too.. Its  6PM now, The squad is helping us to find her too.


We are all at Jennie's House: Auntie is crying in Taehyung Oppa's hold. I was crying too with Sana. Jisoo on the other hand, was talking to Lisa on the phone, She's still out there looking for her.

Mina: " Let's call the police.. "

Jisoo :" I already did. But they say it should be at least  24 hrs, cause  she might come home anytime now. "

Suddenly my phone ring.

"My Wifey❤ "

Hello Wifey !

Everyone looked at me, relief is evident on their faces

" Hello, uhmm - " Unfamiliar voice

" Who are you, why is her phone with you?"   I said, cutting her off.

" It's Dahyun Kim I'm a doctor here at Seoul Hospital , Ms. Jennie Kim is admitted here  30 min ago. "

" What-" No words came out .... Wifeyy...

Taehyung oppa stole the phone .

" Hello, this is Kim Taehyung, Jennie's older brother yes.. Ok ok  thank you so much doc. "

She's at Seoul Hospital. Let's go

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