Chapter 23

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Third Person's POV

They didn't talk again after the incident, both were feeling guilty but no one dares to back down. Its been another week of ignoring each other. Jisoo noticed the sullen look on Jennie's face, she knew cause Lisa asked her to look out for her.
She's been avoiding a conversation with Jennie for the past 3 years, not really ignoring her but it's not the same, she knew she'll fall for her harder. She doesn't wanna lose Jennie nor Lisa. That's why even if its killing her, She's here, watching them being in love. She's helping Lisa to get Jennie a gift a surprise and everything. Killing herself slowly to make her Sister and Firt love happy. Every time she felt like she couldn't take it anymore, There she would call for Chaeyoung. Her now, best comforter/ listener. There's something about Chaeng that somehow comforts her. Little did she know that the latter was hurting as much as she did every time she mentioned Jennie Kim


They are currently at Lisa's Studio/ apartment preparing for a little party for Momo's Bday. Lisa , Jennie, Chaeyoung and Jisoo arrived first since The girls are busy distracting Momo somewhere.

Lisa and Jennie couldn't help being so sweet and flirty with each other. Jisoo couldn't help but look at the couple, Chaeng noticed the looked on Jisoo's face and tried to distract her.

" Thanks Chaeng... "

" Huuh ?? "

" I knew what you're doing"

" Jisoo let's finish this before they arrived, Hey Lovebirds !!! Stop flirting and help us !"

They spent the night , talking and partying as always. They decided to call it a night and everyone gathered to sleep on the living room. Jisoo woke up in the middle of night and about to go on the bathroom when she heard a moan.

" Lisa ahhh... " It's Jennie.

" Shhhhh.. quiet baby they're asleep."

" Stop it ! Let's go back, they might see us "

" Babyyy pleaase.. "

" No Lisa let's go baby...

Jisoo suddenly turned on her heels and hurriedly lay down beside Chaeyoung

Then she felt Lisa lie down beside her too.

After that incident she cried her eyes out with Chaeyoung hugging her not saying anything, the way Jisoo want it.



" Guys.. How about a drink ? tonight ? At Lisa's?"

Nayeon : " Great ! It's been forever ... !"

Sana : " uhmm... guys,. I kinda  have a uhm business after work " Hmmmm suspicious .

Momo: "What ? Where are you going? "

Nayeon: " A date ? "

Sana :" yeah hahaha kinda , Id don't know "

Mina : " What do you mean, you don't know ?"

Sana : " sigh, it's a little complicated guys,. "

Nayeon: " It's Ok, go ahead.. we can have a drink next time "

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