Chapter 4

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Miranda's POV

This was it. Today is my birthday. I'm dreading going back to school on Monday, but that is two days away. For now, I will enjoy my 18th birthday and maybe finally get some answers regarding all of these changes.

As I looked in the mirror, I looked down at myself. I was wearing a deep blue gown that seemed to be draped in starlight. My father had returned home with it yesterday and insisted that I wear it today. It hugged my bust but at my waist it flared out a little and became flowy. It touched the floor in such a way that I seemed to float across the bedroom floor. I wore a thin, simple silver belt around my waist. My wavy brown hair was plaited down my back, the strands of blonde hair were still visible. Another of the changes I had noted.

When my hair caught the light it shimmered copper and gold. I smiled at my reflection, receiving a smile in return. I turned my head and touched my ear, the long flowing sleeves sliding down my arm as I did so. Lightly tracing my finger along the outside, from the top of the point to the lobe. I smiled again. I didn't know what was happening to me yet, but I liked it.

I put on the pair of blue flats that came with the dress and made my way down the stairs for breakfast.

When I arrived in the dining room, Mother and Father were standing beside their seats, but why? Were they waiting for me? My Mother and Father then proceeded to bow to me in the same way elves bow to each other in the "Hobbit" and "Lord of the Rings" movies. I was perplexed to say the least, but I bowed back anyways.

Then we stood there. I was waiting for Father to sit down first but then I realized that they were both looking at me! I cautiously took my seat, waiting to be reprimanded, but it never happened. They both took their seats and looked at me again. This was all too weird.

I slowly picked up my fork. My hand was shaking so much it was hard to control it. I somehow managed to take a bite of fruit. After I had swallowed, I put the fork down and said, "Please, eat." And they did.

After a while of eating in silence, I wondered if they were waiting for me to start the conversation. My throat felt dry. Everything was all topsy-turvy. Was I dreaming? I discreetly pinched myself. Nope, not dreaming. What could be happening?!

I heard my father clear his throat and I looked over at him. "May I speak?" He asked me.

I just stared at him for a moment before I remembered that I needed to reply. "Yes," I responded, although it sounded more like a squeak to me.

Father seemed to chuckle a bit before speaking. "Your Mother and I took the day off today and tomorrow so that we can spend it together."

I stared at him before a wide smile spread across my face. "Sounds great!" I all but squealed. I heard them both chuckle.

"We will open presents tonight and eat cake after dinner," Father said. I nodded in agreement.

"So," Mother began, "what do you want to do first?"


My birthday ended up being so much fun. I dueled my parents. We had an archery competition. We sang, played bored games, and watched a movie. I never wanted the day to end. By dinnertime we were all joking around and laughing just like we did when I was young.

Before I knew it, Mother was bringing out the chocolate angel food cake with whipped chocolate frosting and rolled chocolate decoration. After I blew out the candles, she cut and plated my piece right in front of me, drizzling a shot of Chambord over the top. I couldn't wait to eat.

When I finally took a bite I almost moaned. But all too soon, it was gone. Father laughed at my pout.

"You can have some more tomorrow." Mother said sternly.

"Yes Mother," I replied.

"Alright," Father said, suddenly sounding weary. "Present time!"

I looked between him and my mother, they looked so somber. "Thank you, but we can wait until tomorrow if you want to. We're all pretty tired." I said faking a yawn. "Besides, I already got what I wanted."

They looked at one another. I wondered what their response would be. In all honesty, I was really curious. What kind of gifts would give them such reactions?

I looked between the two. Mother seemed to be begging Father something with her eyes. But he just shook his head.

"At least open one gift Miranda. Afterall, it is your birthday," Father said before Mother could respond.

"Okay. Which one should I open?" I asked.

Father picked up a black box with a silver bow on top. There was a smaller box attached to the larger one. I decided to open that one first. I untied the silver bow. Inside, there was a pair of earrings in the shape of a teardrop. They were beautiful and matched my dress. I put them on right away.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed. "They are beautiful!"

My parents smiled at me and nodded their confirmation. Father made a shooing motion with his hands. As if to indicate to go to the next present. I smiled at them, but my smile fell as I opened the large box. What was going on?

I looked at them, eyes swimming with confusion and voiced my thoughts, "What's going on?"

Father sighed, "Put it on first. Then let me explain."

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now