Chapter 54

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Third POV

The dwarves and Bard were all in the house with the children when there was a knock at the door. Bard opened it.

"What can I do for you?" He asked the woman.

"Someone is here to see you," The woman said and stepped aside so Bard could see the hooded figure.

"Come in," He said, watching the person wearily. "How can I help you?"

The person walked in and looked around. "Where are the dwarves?"

"Dwarves?" Bard asked. "There are no dwarves here."

The hooded figure scoffed. "Tell them the 15th member has arrived."

Bard stared at the person for a moment and then left. He soon returned followed by 14 figures. When the hooded figure saw them, she took off her hood.

"Miranda," Thorin said.

"Why does an elf know a bunch of dwarves?" Bard asked.

"We were traveling together but we lost track of each other," Miranda replied.

"How did you know you would find them here, in my house?" Bard asked.

"I just know things." Miranda replied mysteriously.

Thorin looked between the two before asking, "Where are the weapons?"

Bard left and returned with the weapons.

"What is this?" Thorin asked.

"A pike hook. Made from an old harpoon," Bard replied.

"And this?" Kili asked, holding what looked like a large square hammer.

"A crowbill, we call it. Fashioned from a smithy's hammer. It's heavy in hand, I grant, but, in defense of your life, these will serve you better than none." Bard answered.

"We paid you for weapons," Gloin spoke testily. "Iron-forged swords and axes!"

"It's a joke!" Bofur exclaimed. The dwarves all put the 'weapons' back down on the table.

"You won't find better outside the city armory," Bard warned. "All iron-forged weapons are held there under lock and key."

Thorin and Dwalin shared a look. Miranda looked on and did nothing.

"Thorin," Balin said quietly. "Why not take what's on offer and go? I've made do with less. So, have you. I say we leave now."

"You're not going anywhere," Bard said.

"What did you say?" Dwalin asked, taking a step forward.

"There are spies watching this house and probably every dock and wharf in the town," Bard said, warning in his voice. "You must wait till nightfall."

After Bard said that, everyone sat down. The waiting game began.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now