Chapter 73

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Miranda's POV

When I had all of my things, I saw Thorin emerge from the room I had left him in. I looked into his eyes. They were apologetic but there was something more. He walked towards me, but I turned away.

"Miranda," He said, his voice was soft.

"What can I do for you?" I asked, my voice sharp like razors. "I doubt you need the help of a monster."

I heard him kneel down beside me and then felt his warm embrace. I heard the sound of his heart beating. The calming rhythm reverberating throughout my body. "Miranda," he whispered into my ear. "No matter what happens, I want you to be safe. Please."

I sat there for a moment before I let go of my pack, wrapped my arms around him and nestled my face in the crook of his neck. "Don't face Azog. Please." I begged.

"Azog?" He questioned pulling away from me a bit.

"Please," I whispered, a tear falling down my face.

He looked across my features, his words were like knives to my heart. "I cannot promise that." More tears made their silent decent down my face. He reached out with one hand and wiped them away. "Be safe." He said.

I nodded, noticing his eyes trained on my lips, looked down at his lips, seeing my line of sight, Thorin leaned in and gently placed his lips on mine. My eyes fluttered closed and fell into the kiss. He nibbled my lip gently and I dragged my tongue across his. I could feel his beard tickle me and his hands glide into my hair. When we pulled away, I leaned my head against his, closing my eyes. He stole a quick kiss before the warmth of his arms left me. When I looked up again. His eyes were hard.

"I think you'd better leave now." He whispered. His eyes were full of conflicting emotions and his hand gently touched his lips. He turned and walked away without saying another word.

I lowered my head. I had been foolish. Tears fell down my face as I picked up my pack. Standing, I came face-to-face with Kili. He looked at me with sad eyes and wrapped me in a hug.

"I'm sorry for what my Uncle has done. You didn't deserve that." He said.

"No one does," I replied.

"Would it be too much trouble to ask you to give someone a message?" He asked after a few moments.

"No, what is it you need me to send?" I asked, swiping at my face.

"If you see her, give Tauriel a hug from me," He said.

"Consider it done." I replied bowing with a hand over my chest. With that, I walked out into the light.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now