Chapter 75

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Third POV

While Miranda was with Thranduil, the dwarves were preparing themselves for battle.

"Master Baggins," Thorin called, "Come here." Bilbo walked across the shrouded hallway towards Thorin. "You're going to need this. Put it on." The dwarf said, passing Bilbo a vest. Bilbo began to undress as Thorin continued. "This vest is made of silver steel. 'Mithril' it was called by my forebears. No blade can pierce it."

Bilbo slipped the vest on then looked down at himself. "I look absurd." He said. "I'm not a warrior. I'm a hobbit."

"It's a gift," Thorin said softly. "A token of our friendship. True friends are hard to come by." Bilbo forced a smile, but it fell as Thorin's expression grew darker. He pulled Bilbo away and spoke to him in a harsh whisper. "I have been blind but now I begin to see. I am betrayed."

"Betrayed?" Bilbo asked.

"The Arkenstone." Thorin whispered, his eyes wide and fixated. "One of them has taken it. One of them is false."

"Thorin," Bilbo said trying his best not to look guilty. "The quest is fulfilled. We have won the mountain. Is that not enough?"

Thorin did not seem to hear him. "Betrayed by my own kin. Miranda's lies were only the beginning."

"Now, uh," Bilbo began, swallowing hard. "You made a promise to the people of Laketown. Now, is this treasure truly worth more than your honor? Our honor, Thorin, I was in also in there. I gave my word."

"For that, I am grateful. It was nobly done, but the treasure in this mountain does not belong to the people of Laketown. This gold, is ours." Thorin said, his breathing heavy and his eyes wild. "And ours alone. By my life, I will not part with a single coin. Not one piece of it."


Meanwhile, Legolas and Tauriel ran stealthily up the slopes of a mountain.

"Gundabad," Tauriel whispered. The place before them looked like tall rusted sheets of metal, dark and imposing. "What lies beyond?"

Legolas looked out over it; his expression unreadable. "An old enemy, the ancient kingdom of Angmar. This fortress was once its stronghold. It is where they kept their greatest armories. Forged their weapons of war."

"A light," Tauriel whispered, staring intently at the only window on the entire rock face. "I saw movement."

The light dimed and disappeared. "We wait for the cover of night," Legolas said. "It is a fell place Tauriel. In another age, our people waged war on those lands." Legolas's eyes darkened, sadness and longing softened his features, "My mother died there. My father does not speak of it. There is no grave. No memory. Nothing."

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now