Chapter 64

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Miranda's POV

I ran back to Bard's home, or what was left of it and slammed the door open. Everyone jumped and Tauriel drew her knives but returned them to their sheaths.

"You all need to get out. Now!" I said out of breath.

"What are you talking 'bout? Bofur asked.

"Smaug," I said. "He's going to come down from the mountain! We need to get everyone out of their homes and into boats!" I began packing my things and tossed my pack at Tauriel, "I'll do what I can to stop him. You all have to go!"

"No," Tauriel said. "Not without you."

"Fine!" I exclaimed, there was no time to argue, we needed to leave. "Tauriel, Fili, get Kili into a boat. Oin, collect some herbs and bandages for burns! Sigrid, Tilda, collect some food. Bain, tell me where the cells are."

"I'll lead you to them," He said.

"No! I need you to be with your sisters." I countered.

As we exited, I heard an earsplitting scream in my head, "Revenge?! Revenge?! I'll show you revenge!" I screamed in pain and held my head in my hands.

Tauriel ran at me, "Miranda what is it?"

"We're too late. Everyone needs to get in that boat! Now! No arguments!" I said out of breath. I looked up at the mountain just in time to see Smaug rise into the air. He was coated in liquid gold. He performed a vertical spin, ridding himself of the gold on his scales then began flying towards Laketown. I looked back at everyone to see they and many others had seen it too, but they had not moved. "Go!" I cried, pushing Bain at Tauriel and taking off down a random path.

As I ran, I heard both in my head and out loud, "I am fire. I am death." The growl sounded as loud as if he were right next to me. I saw many people staring up at the sky in fear.

I called to them, "Get your families into the boats! Get away from here!"


I watched from the docs as many people ran for boats and loved ones. I saw Tauriel in a boat with the dwarves and children. I smiled. They would be safe. Tauriel saw me and motioned for me to jump. I stepped back and shook my head.

"Miranda!" Tauriel called. I took another step back and let my body be consumed by the shadow of a house. "Miranda!" She called again. I looked at her for a moment before I turned and ran.

"Dragon!" Someone screamed.

I weaved in and out of houses as Smaug flew over. I searched frantically for the cells.

I looked up as Smaug flew over again. "Adar!" I cried. But he didn't hear me.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now