Chapter 28

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Miranda's POV

Once night fell, I figured I should go back. I got back on Rochben and rode to the campsite. I found it empty. I followed their trail and found three trolls. I sighed and pulled out my bow. I shot the one turning the splint in the hand.

"Something hit me!" It screeched.

"Oh, stop your whining, and keep turning that splint!" The biggest one ordered.

I fired another arrow at his hand, and he screeched again, pulling his hand to his chest and stumbling away. I ran forward and slashed his thighs as I ran between his legs and into the bushes on the other side.

"Ouch! What was that?" Asked the squeaky voiced one.

"I didn't see anything," The third troll said scratching his butt.

"Keep turning that splint! We don't want them to get burnt!" The biggest one spoke.

"Yes, of course, sorry," the squeaky-voiced troll said. As he began turning the splint again.

This was getting me nowhere. As I was thinking up a new plan, I heard Bilbo say, "Oh, I don't think you want to eat them, they've all got worms!" The dwarves began claiming they didn't have worms until Thorin kicked them.

"I've got worms as big as my arm!" One yelled.

"Me too!" Called the rest.

"Don't listen to him! Don't think I don't know what you are up to! This little ferret is taking us for fools!" Said the big one.

"The dawn will take you all!" Gandalf yelled and used his staff to split the rock he stood on in two. The trolls screamed and screeched as they turned into nothing but statues.

After everyone was free, we went into the troll-hoard. The stench was nauseating, and I stumbled on something. It was an elf helmet. I ran ahead and found Thorin looking at an old elven sword.

"These were forged in Gondolin, by the high elves of the first age." Gandalf said in awe. Thorin began to put it back. "You could not wish for a finer blade."

I turned away; I had no interest in anything here. Once everyone was back outside. I saw Gandalf giving Bilbo a sword and smiled.

"What are you smiling about there Lassie?" Balin asked.

"Things are simply falling into place," I responded, still staring at Bilbo and Gandalf.

"It was smart of you to try to divert their attention earlier," Balin continued. "He won't say it, but I know Thorin thinks the same."

"I didn't try to save you for recognition," I said.

"I know," Balin responded smiling at me. Then there was a commotion, and everyone drew their swords. I pulled out my sword only to sheath it. It was Radagast. Radagast the Brown.

"Radagast! What are you doing here?" Gandalf asked.

"I was looking for you Gandalf! Something's wrong! Something's terribly wrong!" Radagast said urgently.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now