Chapter 19

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Miranda's POV

I rode, skirting the forest of Mirkwood and past the Grey Mountains. I found a rock over hang on the eastern side of the Misty Mountains and decided to rest there for the night. After setting up camp, I crouched next to the fire and began to read the book on herbs and eat.

I heard the sound of someone walking up to me and looked up. An old man with grey robes and a staff stood before me. I pulled my hood farther down my face.

"Can you spare a seat and some food for a weary traveler?" The old man asked. I did not answer but gestured to a conveniently placed rock across from me in front of the fire. "Much obliged."

We sat in silence for a moment before he took out a pipe asking, "You don't mind, do you?" I shook my head. His face became thoughtful and he began speaking again. "I see you are not much for conversation, but will you please grace me with a name that I might call you?"

I figured this question was reasonable and responded, "Miranda."

He continued to smoke his pipe before saying, "I am putting together a company, I would like you to join it."

I stared at him from under my hood, "You don't even know me, Mithrandir."

"But it seems you know me. And I believe you will be an asset to the company." The old man ventured.

I thought about it. So, the company of Thorin Oakenshield is beginning. Maybe there is something I can do. "I will join the company."

"Wonderful!" Mithrandir exclaimed happily. "In two weeks', time, make your way to Bag End, look for my mark on the door." He said standing and stashing his pipe. I nodded and he left.


Over the next two days I traveled, pushing for Rivendell. When I did finally arrive, I was stopped by some guards.

"What is your business here?" One stated

"I seek an audience with Lord Elrond," I stated.

"You may not see him so heavily armed," Another said, reaching for my sword.

I stepped back, just out of his reach. "Since when has Elrond needed his guards to defend him?" I questioned.

"You are better off doing what he says," it was a voice from the bushes. Outstepped a boy with wavy, dark brown, neck-length hair. He carried a bow and pointed his sword at me.

Begrudgingly, I took off my belt and handed it to one of the guards. I handed another my quiver and began to walk in the direction of the palace. I was stopped when a sword hit my neck.

"All of your weapons." The boy ordered, squinting at me. I sighed and pulled the throwing knives from my sleeves and my back. He gave me a pointed look and glanced at my boots, raising an eyebrow. I slowly bent down and removed them from my boots. The boy lowered his sword and gestured for my pack.

"I would rather carry this with me, if you don't mind." I said. "But you can check it for weapons if it means that much to you."

He shook his head and gestured for me to follow him.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now