Chapter 50

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Miranda's POV

When I made it back to my room, I sighed and slid down the door. After a while, I got up and wrote a letter telling Lord Thranduil and Legolas why I had to go. It was short and vague. I placed it onto the desk and then collected my things into my pack. I took off my dress and jewels and adorned my armor. I put on my cloak and my weapons before sneaking off into the night.

I found my way to the waterfall. I smiled softly and ran my hands over its waters. I they would leave once the guards passed out. I would wait for them here.

It was early morning when I heard the shouts of the guards. "They're gone!" I sat bolt upright immediately. I had not realized I had dozed off. I stood and drew my bow and waited.

I did not have to wait long however, because I soon heard the yelling of dwarves. I looked up and watched the dwarves fall into the stream.

"Hold on!" I heard Thorin yell. They quickly flowed downstream and I followed close behind on foot.

"Bilbo!" I heard Fili call as they tried to keep the hobbit above the water.

"Hang on!" Bofur shouted.

"Help!" Ori cried.

I saw Legolas come out of the palace and give the order to shut the gate. He did not seem to notice me. Not yet at least.

"No!" I heard Thorin yell as the gates shut before he passed through them. The guards took defensive formations, but they were facing the wrong way.

"Look out!" I cried. It was too late. An orc arrow lodged itself into an elven soldier and he fell. The orcs came above the wall and fighting ensued.

I pulled my bowstring back and shot at the ones that were closest to the dwarves. I then switched to my sword and brought its sharp edge down on upon the ghoulish beasts.

I heard Fili call his brother's name and I knew he had been hit by an arrow. I saw an arrow fly and found its origin. Tauriel. I was distracted and if it hadn't been for Legolas, I would have lost my head. I did not wait around any longer. I pulled out one of my daggers and began slicing off orc heads.

I heard the gate open and the dwarves continued their flight downstream. With a glance at Tauriel and Legolas, I followed them.

I shot at the archers then stashed my bow again. I pulled out my twin daggers and fought the ugly beasts ahead of me.

"Rochben!" I yelled. In the distance, I saw my horse running through the trees. "Meet me farther down! Stay safe!" I watched as he ran as fast as he dared, weaving in and out of the trees.

I turned my attention back to the orcs and my daggers.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now