Chapter 12

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Miranda's POV

"What is your name my child?" Smaug asked.

"Some call me Miranda," I answered.

"Then what is your true name? So, I can know who I bestowed this gift upon. Do not worry, I will not consume you even if you are the daughter of my worst enemy." Smaug said assuring me.

"My true name is Lunalialyn Aiyaelah Faelynda Noldo, daughter of the Lady Galadriel," I responded proudly.

He chuckled, "Then you also know your father?"

"No Adar, I do not know him unless he is you," I stated.

"I see," Smaug rattled. "Let us begin your training. Now." I nodded and took off my pack, quiver, and belt. "Good, now follow me he said and wandered to the middle of the room.

I ran after him, trying to keep up.

When he stopped, he said, "Sit there and meditate. Think of the people you love or hate. Think of the pleasure and the passion, there you will find your inner fire. Attempt to bring it out." Then he laid down in front of me and closed his eyes.

I crossed my legs under me and folded my hands. Closing my eyes, I dug deep inside of me. Finding my passions did not bring it forth. I thought of the people I loved; my mother and father, my Naneth and Adar. The air around me began to swirl, but nothing happened.

Smaug opened one eye and said, "Interesting," before closing it again.

I dug deeper pleasure, I did not know it, and nothing happened. Hate. What was hate? What did I hate? I hated the darkness that tore me from my Naneth. I hated the evil that plagued this land. The more I thought of hate, the more the heat around me grew. My eyes shot open and I saw Smaug staring back at me with pride as smoke trickled out my nose.

"Wonderful," he growled. "Fuel your rage and aggression! Do not smolder it! Now open your mouth!"

I fed the fires of hatred, I fed them until I could contain it no more and opened my mouth. A stream of red and gold fire exited. It was not much, and it did not last for long, but I was proud of this my first try. By the look of him, Smaug was too.


Over the months that followed Smaug and I would train like that and slowly but surely, the flames grew longer and hotter. Smaug had taken to calling me either Luna or Air because of what I could do.

As it turns out, I could control the air around me and had power over water in the same way the moon did. I did not know where it came from, but I suspected Smaug did. Whenever I would bring up finding out what had caused it, he would change the subject.

"Luna!" Smaug called me.

"Here Adar!" I called back.

"There is something that I wish to give you today," He said.

I stared at him perplexed as I followed him, he was not leading me outside, instead, he was leading me further in. The last time he had given me something, it was an area that I could use to grow food, it took some time, but I now had enough food to last the winter.

"Where are we going Adar?" I asked him. He did not reply but suddenly stopped. Stepping aside he handed me a clawful of white gems of pure starlight. I gasped and stared. "Where would you like me to put them?" I asked

"In your pack." He responded.

"Are you sure?" I asked him. "This is a part of your hoard."

"I'm sure. You are my daughter and every dragon should have his or her own hoard," he responded. I ran back to get my pack so he would not be waiting long.

I returned and held open my pack. He turned his claw and let them fall into my pack. I went to close it when he growled out, "Wait." I thought he was going to ask for them back when he said, "Follow me."

I followed him and he stopped in front of rows of precious jewels. I looked up at him confused. I opened my mouth to ask him when he chuckled and said, "Take some." I reached out and carefully took one from each of the crates. "More than that!" he yelled. I cringed but followed his order taking handfuls. He gave me a satisfied smile. "Good. This is your hoard."

"Thank you, Adar. This is more than enough," I said smiling up at him.

"No," he rattled, "Each hoard should have a crowning glory, a prized possession. You may wander my hoard until you find it."

I nodded to him as he laid down to watch me. I flitted from one area to another, but nothing caught my eye until some coins uncovered a radiant jewel. The jewel of a king under the mountain. The Arkenstone. I stared at it for a while watching the bright light shine around it. I turned and walked away from it. I heard Smaug snort in surprise, but he did not say anything.

I continued to wander about until I came across a shirt of mithril. I picked it up, it was cool to the touch and shimmered like the stars. I probably stared at it for a long time, running my fingers over the cool chain-links. I tried to look elsewhere but my eyes would always stray back to that mithril shirt. Eventually I gave up and returned to it. Holding it in both hands, I stood in front of Smaug.

"So, you have found it," It was more of a statement than a question, but I answered anyways.

"Yes," I said, eyes straying to the mithril in my hands.

Smaug chuckled at me, "I see. Now, answer me this, why did you not choose the Arkenstone?"

I looked up at him and said plainly, "It is the prized jewel of your hoard. I will not take it."

He nodded, satisfied with my answer. "Come, there are some new things I would like to teach you today."

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now