Chapter 66

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Miranda's POV

I watched silently as Bard wielded his last arrow. His shot fired, hit, but did nothing.

"Bard," I said, gripping his shoulder. "Let me talk to him, there is nothing more you can do at this moment."

Bard bowed his head, only to be met with the eyes of his son.

"Dad!" Bain called.

"Bain! What are you doing here?! Why didn't you leave?!" His father asked urgently. "You were supposed to leave!"

"I came to help you," the boy replied.

"No!" Bard said, his voice horse. "Nothing can stop it now."

"This might," Bain replied holding up the last black arrow.

"Bain. You go back. You get out of here. Now." Bard ordered his son his voice soft.

Smaug snarled and took off the top of the tower.

"Dad!" Bain cried as he was swept off his feet.

"Adar!" I screamed after Smaug as he flew off.

"Bain!" Bard cried, searching for his son. I heard the boy scream and ran to his aid. Together, Bard and I pulled him up. Bard pulled the black arrow from the boy's hands and faced Smaug.

"Who are you that would stand against me?" Smaug questioned, a red-hot anger surrounding his burning yellow eyes. Bard lifted up his bow, only to find it had snapped in half. "Now that is a pity," Smaug churred. "What will you do now Bowman? You are forsaken. No help will come."

I wasted no time and stood up. "Adar!" I called.

Smaug's head snapped towards me. His eyes shone with surprise. "Luna?"

"Adar! Please, leave!" I called to him.

"And why would I do that?" He asked, sitting on his haunches, crushing the houses bellow him.

"Because I have seen the future, and in the future, I see, you will fall." I told him. "I cannot watch you die!"

"Luna," He rumbled. "Why is it that you have so little faith in me?'

"My futures don't lie," I said.

"Luna," His voice sounded soft to me. "My daughter, you must know my answer, after all, it is why you left."

"Adar," I whispered. "Please, fly away. Return to the dragon lands. I will go with you. We can be together again. Just as we were before."

His eyes followed me and grew softer until a hard resilience entered them. "No!" He cried. "I will not abandon my hoard!"

"Please!" I cried, glancing at Bard and Bain as they began to prepare the black arrow. "Is the gold so important to you? More than your life?! More than my love?!"

"Gold is everything to a dragon!" He roared. "Show me your fire! Show me your hate! This is what it takes to be a dragon! Never forget!"

"Adar," I whispered, standing down, "Do not do this. Please."

"Daughter," His voice rumbled through the air. "After I kill this bowman and the usurper, we can be together again. Come to me."

His voice sounded so good; I began to walk towards him, but I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned back to see Bard.

"Miranda," He whispered. "Stay. You are needed here."

I stopped in my tracks and looked down at the fiery bed beneath me before staring into my father's fiery-yellow eyes. "I will only go with you if you promise not to kill them. We leave now."

"No!" Smaug cried. "Do not worry, after I burn this man, we can be together again, just like you wanted. I will still accept you even though you have sided with these mortals."

I collapsed to the wooden deck of the bell tower. I felt Bard's hand squeeze my shoulder before he turned to Smaug.

"Is that your child?" Smaug asked. "You cannot save him from the fire. He will burn."

"You would burn your own daughter?" Bard asked.

"She will not be harmed," His voice hummed. "But you will burn!"

Bard readied the arrow, leaning it against his son's shoulder.

"Stay still son. Stay still." Bard told Bain encouragingly.

"Tell me wretch, how now shall you challenge me?" When Smaug moved, the hole in his armor became clear. "You have nothing left but your death!" Smaug roared. A fire forming in his lungs.

Bain began to turn his head. "Bain," Bard called softly. "Look at me. You look at me." Smaug ran over the tops of burning buildings, crushing them under his weight. "Little to your left." Bard said. "That's it."

I wanted to hide my face in my hands. I could not watch and yet I could not look away. I looked at Smaug's yellow eyes and whispered. "Please."

Bard let the arrow fly. It sailed through the air and hit its target. Smaug roared, his body knocking over the tower. I jumped towards Smaug and latched onto his tail. His body began to burn. He rose into the air, only to fall into the water. I thought I heard my name being called before I was submerged.

I swam after the sinking lithe body. His wings becoming nothing but ash. I watched the fire in his eyes die as he roared, water filling his lungs.

"Luna," the rumble sounded in my head. "I love you."

"Adar!" I replied. "I love you too." I didn't know if he had heard me, but I swam after him, grabbing the one thing he offered me. An egg.

I rose to the surface and made my way towards the burning town. I wanted to stand in his fire for just a bit longer. I stayed there until there was nothing left of Laketown, watching the fire dance and play around me. The yellow, like his eyes, as if he still watched over me. The orange turning scarlet as it licked at my wet clothes. The inner crimson fire at its center seemed to reach for the sky, I hoped his soul followed.

"Adar." I whispered. I felt a responding thrum from between my fingers as the egg seemed to respond.

"Luna." The name resounded in my head in the quietest of whispers. "Luna."

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now