Chapter 36

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Third POV

Azog set the wargs upon the company. They jumped at the trees, knocking them down until only one stood. Gandalf blew at a pine cone and set it alight. He threw it at a warg, and it caught fire.

Gandalf made more of these burning missiles and passed them to the others. Soon the forest was on fire. The wargs retreated but Azog remained. He roared in frustration and rage. The dwarves were cheering but then, the fir tree toppled. It was barely clinging to the ground. Ori and Dori would have fallen if it weren't for Gandalf.

Thorin was looking at everyone and his eyes reflected the blazing tree-line before him. He and Azog glared at each other. Then Thorin stood up and began to walk towards pale orc. Azog's eyes were alight with anticipation. Thorin walked through the burning brush, his sword raised and a log for a shield. He ran at the pale orc. The white warg jumped over him and knocked him onto his back. He stood only to be knocked down with Azog's scimitar.

"No!" Balin cried.

Seeing this Bilbo began to make is way towards Thorin. The white warg bit into Thorin, crunching down hard. Thorin yelled in agony. Azog smiled in pleasure as his warg threw the dwarf prince onto a rock slab. When Thorin didn't get back up, Azog ordered one of his underlings to sever his head. The pale orc's face showing disappointment, as if a game suddenly ended.

With a yell, Bilbo rushed to Thorin's aid. Bilbo killed the orc just as the ugly thing was about to chop off Thorin's head. There was a chorus of shouts as the other dwarves came to Bilbo and Thorin's rescue. A battle ensued and just when things were taking a turn for the worse, the eagles arrived.

One eagle caught Ori and Dori as they fell. The others began killing wargs. And those same eagles began picking up dwarves and dropping them onto the backs of other eagles. One eagle finally scooped up Thorin's body and they began to fly off.


When the eagles alighted down, everyone ran to Thorin's side.

"Thorin!" Gandalf called. "Thorin!" When Thorin did not respond, Gandalf placed a hand over Thorin's face and recited a spell.

Thorin opened his eyes and whispered, "The halfling?"

"It's alright," Gandalf assured him, "Bilbo is here. He's quite safe."

Bilbo sighed in relief. Dwalin and Kili helped Thorin stand, but Thorin threw them off.

"You!" Thorin growled. Everyone turned to look at Thorin warily. Bilbo became tense. "What were you doing?" Thorin continued. "You nearly got yourself killed! Did I not say that you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the wild? That you had no place amongst us?" Thorin asked, stepping closer and closer to Bilbo. Bilbo lowered his head. "I have never been so wrong in my life." Thorin said with relief, giving Bilbo a hug. "But I'm sorry I doubted you." Thorin looked so guilty.

"No," Bilbo said, "I would have doubted me too. I'm not a hero or a warrior. Not even a burglar." The others chuckled. Then Bilbo turned around and asked, "Is that what I think it is?"

"Erabor." Gandalf said. "The Lonely Mountain...The last of the great dwarf kingdoms of Middle Earth."

"Our home." Thorin said with a smile.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now