Chapter 11

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Third POV

"How are you still alive?" Smaug repeated.

"I don't know," I said slowly.

Smaug slowly raised a claw and placed it onto Miranda's head. "Ah," He growled out. "I see. You are immune to my fire."

"What do we do now?" She asked, knowing full well that he could still eat her.

Smaug did not answer her at first. He placed one claw on her chest and one on her head and started to speak, "I give you the gift of dragon fire. Powers you will learn to control under my care. From this moment forward, you are my child."

"So, you're not going to eat me?" Miranda asked.

"No, but I hope you will use this gift well. A dragon can only give this gift once in their lifetime. Now accept the gift!" he ordered.

"I accept the gift of dragon fire. I promise to use this gift well Adar," Miranda promised. She felt herself become warmer, looking down at her hand, there was a golden glow around it. The glow enveloped her whole body until Smaug sighed and removed his claws.

"You are indeed worthy of this gift," Smaug stated staring into eyes so similar to his own. Eyes of golden fire.


While all of this was happening, Galadriel was pacing. "Where is she? She should have arrived days ago." Galadriel whispered.

"Do not worry so my Lady," Celeborn said, "Perhaps she was a day late and travels now to our borders."

"Perhaps. But for all my seeing ability. I cannot find her. What if she does not come?" Galadriel wondered almost franticly.

"She will come my Lady. I know she will. You must have more faith in her. At least give her a week," Celeborn replied soothingly. "She will come."

"Yes," Galadriel replied. "I will wait a week more."

"Come my Lady. Let us retire for the night," Celeborn said.

"I will rest and then tomorrow, I will wait," Lady Galadriel responded turning and walking towards her husband.

"Yes, nin mel, tomorrow we wait," Celeborn agreed, taking his Lady's hand and leading her away.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now