Chapter 33

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Third POV

Miranda rode hard over rock and hill. She weathered the pass in the mountains until she made it to Beorn's house. When she knocked at the door, a big, hairy man opened it.

"Who are you?" Beorn asked suspiciously.

"A friend, may I come in?" A woman's voice asked from beyond the dark hood. Beorn stepped aside and watched her warily as she entered his home.

"What brings you here?" He asked.

"I am waiting for my party to arrive, we lost sight of each other I know they will come here." The woman replied.

"May I know to whom I speak?" Beorn asked grumpily. He was not too keen on having more strangers in his home.

The hooded woman slid off her hood and looked up. "Hello Beorn."

Beorn stared at the elf in front of him, "Luna." His deep grumbling voice filled the room. "You've changed."

"As have you," Miranda replied. "But please call me Miranda."

"That is what you go by these days?" the hairy man asked.

Miranda nodded. "I can take those off you if you want," she said looking pointedly at the shackles on his wrists.

"I like to keep them, helps me remember the past," He stated.

"I don't believe you need any help remembering the past, Beorn," Miranda replied.

"Still..." Beorn trailed off.

"Well, it's your choice. Tell me if you change your mind." Miranda responded with a shrug.

"How long will you stay?" he asked, changing the subject.

"Until my party arrives." She answered.

"Who is it you travel with?" Beorn questioned.

Miranda watched him for a moment before replying, "Dwarves."

"Dwarves!" Beorn roared, his yellow eyes seeming to glow. "You know how I feel about them!"

"Do not speak to me of hate!" Miranda roared back, her eyes turning golden.

Beorn stumbled back in surprise, "Your eyes." Miranda hurriedly looked away. "Are you like me?" He asked in a soft voice.

"No Beorn, there is no one like you. You know that better than anyone," Miranda said sadly.

"Then what?" Beorn asked, his voice still quiet.

"This is the mark of one blessed by a dragon," Miranda responded after a moment's silence. "The mark of one with dragon fire."

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now