Chapter 62

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Miranda's POV

I was sitting on the floor of Bard's home when Bain returned without his father.

"Father's been captured by the guards!" He cried.

I stood up and patted his shoulder. "He will be alright." I said with a reassuring smile. My smile fell when I heard the sound of many feet on shingles.

"What is it?" Tilda asked.

"I hear something on the rooftops." I said, tilting my head this way and that, trying to pinpoint the sound.

Sigrid walked out of the house calling over the railing, "Da? Is that you, Da?"

"Get back in here!" I hissed. "The sound is getting closer!" I looked up at the rooftops and my eyes widened. I yanked Sigrid by her arm back inside.

"What was that for?" She asked, pulling her arm from my grip, trying to get back outside. There was a snarl from the still open door. I let go of her arm and pulled out my sword.

Sigrid screamed and slammed the door shut when an orc came down from the rafters. The orc forced the door open and Oin threw a pot at it, hitting it in the head. Another smashed through the ceiling causing Sigrid to scream again, losing her grip on the front door. It swung open and another orc appeared.

We were surrounded and I was the only one with weapons, but it was too risky to try to throw a dagger at the dwarves. Sigrid was shoved by one of the dwarves and she hid under the table. Fili threw himself at an orc and I swung my sword at another. Another orc fell through the roof and little Tilda began throwing plates at it. It brought its sword down missing her by an inch as she hid under the table with her sister.

There was a roar to my right as that one came at me. I dodged causing the orc's blade to get lodged in the wall. It wasn't long before he got it free, however. He and his comrade were swinging their swords at me when two more orcs fell through the roof and came at me. Because of the confined space, I could barely move let alone focus enough to kill the wrenched beasts.

I saw another one trying to come in through the window only to receive a knife in the neck. Tauriel. Finally, I was able to focus on my own fight. Just in time too because I almost took a crude sword to the head. I sliced the horrid thing's head off and pulled one of my daggers out. I smiled at the other three and brought my knife to one's neck while I severed another's head with my sword. They gurgled with black blood, crumbling to the ground. I blocked a strike, when knife sliced the orc's neck. I twirled and saw an orc trying to attack Kili. I pulled one of my throwing knives out and it embedded itself it the rotten orc's head. That was when the orcs started to flee. Not that it did them much good.

I turned and saw Legolas flip a dead orc onto a boat and dispatch the head of the orc that came flying up at him.

"You killed them all," Bain said in wonder.

"There are others," Legolas said, "Tauriel. Come." She looked at him but did not move.

"We're losing him!" Oin spoke, Kili was on the floor now, moaning in pain. Tauriel looked from him to Legolas.

"Tauriel," He said and left.

"Tauriel," I said. "Stay here. I know you know what to do. I'll go after him."

She looked at me like she had seen a ghost. "Save him." Then I turned to the children, "Do what she says." With that I followed Legolas out of the house.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now