Chapter 74

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Miranda's POV

"We'll miss you Lassie," Balin said as he reached out and patted my shoulder.

I nodded and turned to Bilbo, "Keep it safe." Bilbo looked surprised and touched his shirt pocket. I smiled at the surrounding dwarves and Bilbo and began climbing down the stone wall.

When I was about a foot from the ground, I turned and jumped. My hands grasped the edge of the walkway and I swung myself up. I stood and whistled while I dusted myself off. In the distance, I heard an answering whinny as Rochben rode towards me.

I smiled at him as he trotted up to me, nuzzling my outstretched hand. "I'm glad to see you too Rochben," I whispered into his ear. I mounted him and said, "Take me to the elven camp."

When we arrived, we were stopped by the guards. "Come now gents, you do not remember me?" I asked, throwing off my hood.

"My apologies My Lady," one said bowing. They turned, creating a path by which I could pass through them.

I dismounted Rochben, patting his neck I said, "Stay close, I will need you for the battle." With that, I entered the main tent and waited for Thranduil to arrive.


Sometime later, Thranduil entered the tent. When he saw me, he looked like he had seen a ghost.

"It cannot be," He whispered. I simply looked at him. "The orc told us you had been shot with a poisoned arrow. You should be dead."

"Yet here I am," I said.

"Were you not of Oakenshield's company?" He asked me.

My eyes grew hard. "He kicked me out."

Thranduil's eyes widened, "What happened?" He asked as he approached me.

I turned my head away, "He called me a monster, I called him out, and he told me to leave. Then he turned around and kissed me before kicking me out."

Thranduil inhaled sharply, "He kissed you?"

I nodded and then shook my head, "I was a fool. Kissing him was a mistake I am not likely to make again anytime soon. I thought that if Legolas had Tauriel, then I should search elsewhere, but I was wrong. It is better to not love at all."

At this Thranduil was silent. "He called you a Monster. Why?"

I sighed heavily, "You might want to stand back."

Thranduil tilted his head but took a few steps back. I looked at his eyes for a moment, wondering if I would have to leave again or if he might think I would make a good weapon. After some time, I bent my head down and breathed fire at my hands. The golden flames licked at my palms and engulfed my hands. I thought about Thorin and the flames began to have a red center. Like Smaug. The thought caused tears to run down my face. I closed my mouth and looked away.

If I had been looking at him, I would have seen Thranduil's eyes narrow and fill with sadness.
"It was beautiful." I looked up at him in surprise. He continued, "I have not seen a power like that in a very long time. How did you acquire it?"

"Smaug," I said, looking up into his eyes as the gold light faded from my own.

He only nodded and motioned for me to follow him out of the tent. "Come, you should rest."

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now