Chapter 25

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Third POV

As the hooded figure began to pull off her hood. The company began to see a beautiful woman. Her face was pale and clear. Her mouth was pink and her cheeks rosy, but her eyes were what caught their attention. Her eyes were a blue-green color with flecks of gold seeming to lie dormant. As she continued to pull back her hood, Thorin caught sight of her ears.

"You're and elf!" he accused.

"I cannot change what I am to match your preferences Master Dwarf," Miranda stated.

"You are a woman! You will only slow us down!" One dwarf called out.

Miranda looked around the room calmly, "Are you sure about that?" She said as she flapped her cloak. Weapons glinted in the low lighting. All around, she looked mysterious, and it was a mystery Thorin wanted to solve.

"You may come with us if you can beat me in a duel," he stated. "This mission is too important to be blinded by hatred."


"Are you ready?" Thorin asked the woman in front of him. He had his axe out and it was pointed at her.

Miranda pulled out her sword. The elven blade shown silver in the light. "Ready."

The two circled each other for a moment, then Thorin made the first move. He swung his axe at her and Miranda dodged to the right. Thorin brought is axe down over her head which she blocked. They held that position for a bit, Thorin was adding more and more pressure.

"Are you ready to submit?" He huffed.

Miranda twisted her body and let his axe slide down the edge of her sword behind her. She smirked, kicking the back of his knees, trying to force him to the ground. Thorin slammed his axe into the ground to stop himself from falling. "That was a dirty trick," he growled.

"Orcs play dirtier ones," Miranda responded, bringing her sword to his neck. "I believe it is my win."

"Check again!" He growled. Miranda looked down and discovered a knife at her abdomen.

Miranda opened her mouth to respond but Gandalf beat her to it, "I think this proves you are on equal footing. Miranda, you are to join the company as the 15th member."

Thorin glared at Gandalf and the grey wizard raised an eyebrow at him. "Alright! Give them the contract!" Thorin ordered.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now