Chapter 18

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Miranda's POV

I woke when the sun touched my face. I didn't even remember falling asleep. I felt weird, as if there were eyes on me. I decided it was time to go. I began to roll up my blanket and sleeping pad and put everything back into my pack. I heard my stomach rumble, so I pulled out some dried fruit. In between bites I whistled, calling my horse.

"What is your business here?" came a voice from behind me. I spun around and saw an elf with long platinum blonde hair and blue eyes behind dark eyebrows.

I gestured to the ground across from me. Now I was glad for the cold last night as I had worn my cloak to bed.

"What is your business here?" he repeated, harsher.

"I am just passing by." I said calmly, but my voice sounded raspy as I had been crying most of the night.

He looked shocked when he heard my voice. "Will you lower your hood?" He asked me, almost gently.

"I'm afraid not," I responded.

"Why?" he asked.

"Now is not the time," I said. I was just buying time right now. My eyes were probably slightly golden still and I wanted to give myself time to calm down.

"What is your name?" He asked me

"Some call me Miranda," I said. "And your name?"

"Legolas. Where do you come from?" the blonde questioned.

"Lothlorien," I answered.

"Why do you travel?" he wondered.

I was silent for a moment as I felt the sadness creep over me again. "I travel from my Adar to my Naneth's arms."

His eyes widened when he heard me speak Sindarin. "Cin ped- Sindarin?"

"Fluentlui," I responded. I began to hear the sound of horse hooves and smiled.

"Will you please come to meet my father?" he asked, standing up and offering me a hand.

I sat quietly as if thinking. In reality, I was waiting until my steed was close enough.

A few moments more and I took his hand. He helped me to my feet as I said, "Let me get my things."

I pulled my quiver over my head and threw my pack over my shoulders.

"Are you ready?" He asked me, offering me his hand again.

I looked down pretending to check my campsite. Then nodded. And I ran. I ran through the trees and jumped on my horse.

"Run Rochben run. Show nin i ind -o haste!" I said to him and we sped off. I felt my hood slip of as I turned to look behind me. I could see Legolas standing at the edge of the trees watching me run. I called back to him, "We will meet again Prince Legolas of Mirkwood! Sooner than you think!"


Legolas watched Miranda as she ran. "She's beautiful," he whispered aloud as he saw her face, her braided hair dancing behind her.

Her voice came to him on the wind, "We will meet again Prince Legolas of Mirkwood! Sooner than you think!"

"Yes," I replied, watching her disappear.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now