Chapter 9

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Miranda's POV

The following morning was Monday. As I laid in bed, I thought back to the previous night.

There I sat at the table, calmly eating my food when my father popped the question. "Have you decided?"

I hesitated for I moment. Had I decided? Was this what I really wanted? I only heard the answer as it left my lips, "Yes."

My parents looked at me expectantly but when I did not answer, my father asked nervously, "What is your decision?" Both stared at me with bated breath.

I steeled myself for what was to come. "I will return to Middle Earth. I will return to my Naneth's side in Lothlorien. And I will take part in what was foretold." My mother burst into tears. I knew that she had wanted me to stay, but my decision was made, and I would not waver.

That night I did not sleep for a long time. Whether it was from guilt or excitement I did not know. I decided to pack some things for my trip. I folded the blue dress of starlight, the emerald green dress of the forest, and the white dress, each with its own belt.

I looked at the pack, lifted it, it was light. Probably an enchanted gift from my mother. I smiled thinking what else I should take. I looked at my Tolkien copies. They would be helpful to me, but if they fell into the wrong hands, it would be disastrous. I decided to take them. When they entered my pack, their covers changed. Hiding their true nature.

I looked around the room. I picked up my moonstone jewelry and my diadem and carefully placed them into my pack. I grabbed my tunics, and other clothing placing them neatly on top, there was still room, but I needed space for food.

After everything was packed, I began to pace around the room. Hoping I wasn't forgetting anything. Sometime later I grew weary and curled up on my bed, asleep.

It had indeed been an eventful past few days, but I now felt ready for the path my life was taking. I stretched before getting out of bed. My pack was at the end of my bed and my warrior outfit was laid out over a chair. I went over to my bathroom to shower.

After exiting the stream of hot water, I took the hairdryer off the hook.

Once my hair was dry, I braided it and returned to my room. I would definitely miss the pieces of modern technology.

I pulled on a skin tight black shirt and a green tunic. I pulled on the pants. They had the flexibility and feel of leggings, but they were stronger and warmer. I yanked on some socks and my new boots. I picked up the black leather armor and placed it on my body. It covered my forearms and my torso. The armor sparkled mysteriously in the light.

I reached down and picked up my black belt, my elven sword and twin daggers still firmly attached. I placed it around my hips before attaching my throwing knives. I placed a black throwing knife in each sleeve, two in my quiver, and one down the back of my shirt. I knelt down and placed one in a hidden pocket in each boot. Just in case. I looked around my room for what would probably be the last time, picked up my pack, and descended the stairs.

Mother and Father were already at the table solemnly eating their breakfast. When they saw me already in my armor mother's eyes welled with unshed tears and father pursed his lips when he saw me wearing pants. I smiled at them. Somethings would never change.

I went to sit down but father stopped me. "Put your weapons on the floor. This is a breakfast table, not a war meeting." My smile widened into a grin and I pulled my belt and pack off and set them on the ground beside my seat. Father nodded at me, seeming to be a bit happier and I sat down to begin eating.

After breakfast mother ushered me into the kitchen where she collected some bread, crackers, cheese, fruit, yams, and potatoes. "Just so you don't get hungry." She said as she wrapped them up in my favorite blanket from when I was young. Father entered the room with a drawstring bag and a sleeping pad.

"The blanket is inside," he said lifting up the sleeping pad, so I knew where. "I also got some medicine and first aid. You need to be prepared. There is also a little surprise." I reached for the drawstring bag, but he pulled it away. "For later." I sighed but nodded.

Mother left the room and returned with my quiver with arrows and bow inside it and a cloth. She placed the cloth over my shoulders saying, "This was my cloak from Lothlorien. May it serve you well." Then she helped me to put my belt back on and I slipped my head and arm through another belt, so my quiver rested across my back. Father helped me to slip my pack on, staying behind me to place the food inside and attach the pad, the drawstring and two waterskins.

My parents stepped back and stared at me. "You are all grown up," I heard mother mutter behind a sniffle. My father placed an arm around her shoulders.

"We will lead you to the portal. The portal will take you to just inside of Lothlorien's borders." Father began to explain as we walked out the door into the woods.

"When you get there, whistle. A horse will come. You will know his name," Mother added.

"When you get caught by the guards of Lothlorien, do not tell them your name right away. You are to stay a secret until the time is right. But your mother will recognize you." Father continued as we climbed over hills and reached a door made of rock. "Stay safe," he said as he pushed a button and the door opened revealing a swirling violet, blue, and white portal.

"What will happen at school?" I asked. When children go missing, people start to worry and wonder. I didn't want my parents to get arrested.

"We will tell them that you got accepted to start college early and go on a safari. That you had left on your birthday." Father responded. "We already sent excited messages to your friends. They said that they are happy for you, but they will miss you terribly."

"How did you know what I would choose?" I asked. I wasn't really that mad at them for taking my phone. I knew that their intention was good.

"You are our daughter, we know you better than anyone," Mother said.

"Goodbye now my daughter," Father said.

"Goodbye and take care!" Mother cried.

"Thank you for caring for me for all these years. Dave. Inne." I began. "Goodbye. I will miss you. Mom. Dad." I said giving them a great big hug before turning and at last I said, "I love you." As I stepped into the portal.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now