Chapter 71

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Miranda's POV

"What are you doing?" Bilbo asked as Bard rode away. "You cannot go to war."

"I quite agree with Bilbo. Thorin, what are you doing?" I chipped in.

"This does not concern you," Thorin said, not even looking at us.

"Like hell it doesn't!" I snapped. "You would send your people to war over a few jewels?"

"Excuse me," Bilbo added, sounding almost as angry as I was. "Just in case you hadn't noticed, there is an army of elves out there. Not to mention several hundred angry fishermen. We are in fact out numbered."

Thorin smiled as if he found this statement amusing. I gritted my teeth and growled out, "What is so amusing about sending your friends and your kin to war?!" I averted my gaze as I did not know what color my eyes were.

"We will not be outnumbered for much longer," Thorin said, still smiling.

"What does that mean?" Bilbo asked confused.

"It means, Master Baggins, you should never underestimate dwarves," Thorin stated, with his hands clasped in front of him.

Thorin began to walk away and I called out to him, "Thorin. May I speak to you in private please?"

Thorin looked at me for a moment before nodding his head towards the dinning area. "Speak," he ordered when we had arrived in the room.

"Thorin," I began, "You cannot do this! You cannot go to war with the Mirkwood Elves!"

"And why is that?" Thorin asked sitting down.

"You do not know what they are capable of," I warned.

"But you do," He said regarding me as if I was a precious object that he could use and discard at his leisure.

I felt my anger rise and I looked down, "You cannot expect me to choose between my kin and my friends." I said, keeping my voice calm.

"You can't or you won't?" He asked, regarding me with suspicion.

"I won't," I replied.

"Look at me," He commanded, an edge to his voice. I pulled up my hood and looked up into his eyes. His eyes narrowed and he got up and walked over to me. We stood there in silence for a moment before he suddenly reached up and pulled back my hood. I slammed my eyes shut. "Look at me," He said again. I shook my head and lowered it, trying to quell my anger. He grasped my chin and gently pulled my face up. "Miranda," He whispered. "In all the time we have spent together, I have never known you to act this way. Look at me. Please." I tried to pull away but his hold on my chin tightened and his other hand grasped my waist, pulling me close. "Look at me." Seeing no way out, I slowly opened my eyes. I could see the golden fire reflected in his eyes. A range of emotions filtered through is gaze. Gentleness, confusion, anger, rage, sadness, betrayal, and something I could not place. He released my chin harshly and pushed me away from him. "Monster," he breathed.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now