Chapter 31

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Miranda's POV

As the dwarves and Lord Elrond were conversing, I snuck away to the room I had had during my previous stay. I knew I probably didn't have to wear a dress, but I felt inclined to. As I was pulling out my white dress, there was a knock at the door. I opened it and there stood Arwen.

"Arwen!" I exclaimed happily, "Come in."

"How is it that every time you visit you never come to say hello to me?" She pouted at me playfully.

"My apologies My Lady," I joked, giving her a bow.

She pushed me in the arm and asked, "So who are you trying to impress?"

I choked. "I'm not." I said. "I would simply like to wear a dress after being around dwarves for so many days." She made a sound that showed she didn't believe me. "It's true!" I pressed.

She ignored me and looked over the dresses. "You should wear the white one and these." She said holding up my diadem and elven ear-pieces."

"No!" I exclaimed, "They don't know I'm royalty!"

"Well they should!" She said, pushing me into the bathroom, "Now go get clean! I want to do your hair."


Once everything was on, I looked in the mirror. The white dress hung off my body elegantly. Two small strands of my hair were tied loosely behind me while the rest of my hair hung in waves down my back. My diadem rested on my brow and my ear-pieces jiggled gently as I moved.

"You look beautiful!" Arwen squealed, "Now get on out there and get yourself a man!"

"I said I'm not-" I began only to have the door slammed in my face. I sighed and decided I had no choice. I made my way to the dining area.

Once I entered, I felt many eyes on me. I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"Luna!" Lord Elrond called to me happily. "Sit with me please."

"Luna?" I heard the dwarves around me whisper. Gandalf only raised an eyebrow at me.

"Oh, did they not know?" Elrond asked, already knowing the answer. I shook my head anyways. "Well then, let me introduce you." I went to stop him, but it was too late. "This is Lunalialyn Aiyaelah Faelynda Noldo, daughter of the Lady Galadriel and Princess of Lothlorien." I curtsied before sitting down. I felt two eyes boring into me. I looked up to see Thorin staring at me. That is until Elrond drew his attention. I ate rather awkwardly for the rest of dinner, then followed Elrond as he went to the moon stone.

As the moon shown on the stone, the map lit with glowing blue runes. While everyone else was surrounding the paper. I was staring at the moon through the waterfall. The falling water seemed to shake and quiver as I stared through it. Then, the water parted, and I saw the moon completely. As I stared, I let my thoughts wander. I wondered how Smaug was doing. Was I able to change his mind? Did he leave or was his gold more important than his life? 

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now