Chapter 20

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Miranda's POV

When we arrived at the gates, Lord Elrond was waiting for us. He opened his arms wide saying, "Welcome. What brings you here?"

"I wish to speak with you, Lord Elrond." I said, giving him a formal bow. Then, glancing at the guards I added, "Alone. But first, if I may be so bold, I would like a place to rest. I have been riding hard for three days and could use a bath."

He chuckled and said, "Of course, Lady?"


"Please take Lady Miranda to a guest room and run her a bath." Elrond ordered one of the maids.

"This way please, miss." The young elf said. We walked out of the room, up a staircase, down a hall, and turned left. "This is your room, miss. Do you need anything."

"Thank you. Could you please run me a bath?" I asked

"Of course, miss." She said as she walked into the bathroom. After she was finished, she came back and asked, "Anything else, miss?"

"No. Thank you." I replied. She bowed and left the room.


After soaking in the bath and drying my hair, I looked at the dresses I brought with me. I pulled out the emerald green dress with green embroidery and looked around the room for some shoes. Not finding any, I pulled my boots back on and looked at myself in the mirror.

My hair fell around me in waves and my blue-green eyes sparkled. I touched my chest where the talon lay, tucked away under my dress. I looked back at my pack and pulled out my necklace and crown. After carefully putting them on, I grabbed the prophecies, and I walked out into the hallway.

I heard hurried foot falls behind me, "My Lady!" It was the boy from earlier.

I stopped, turning my head only slightly, "Yes?"

"I have your weapons here. Where do you want them?" He asked.

"Please place them on my bed." I told him and added, "Thank you." With a slight smile, I turned and walked away.

After some searching, I finally found Lord Elrond in the dining area eating dinner with two other people.

"My Lord," I said, gaining his attention.

When he saw me his fork clattered onto the table. The other two people present looked over at me, staring.

"Arwen, it has been too long," I said. At this, the woman stood from the table and ran to hug me.

"When did you get here?" She asked. Then turning to her father, she asked him, "When were you going to tell me she got here?"

"I didn't know." He said, recovering from his shock. "You told me your name was Miranda."

"That is what I am known as outside the elven realms. Maybe I am being too cautious." I said.

"Where have you been? Your mother has been looking for you for three years!" Elrond stated. At this I was quiet. I had to keep my secret safe until the time was right. But I could not find a suitable lie, so I did not answer. Seeing this, Elrond's brow creased then cleared. "No matter, you are safe now."

When he went to hug me, he noticed the books I carried. I spoke before he had the chance. "I need you to keep these safe. None are to read them but me."

He nodded, "Of course. I will hide them for you."

While all this was happening, the dark-brown haired boy continued to sit at the table. He did not know me.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now