Chapter 69

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Miranda's POV

I followed Thorin as he led us to a hall with the rest of the dwarves. The dwarves exclaimed happily and hugged each other. I stood apart from the group, forcing a happy smile on my face.

"Miranda," I heard a voice say. I looked over at Thorin. He walked over and gave me a hug.

"Miranda's the one who felled the beast!" Kili exclaimed.

Pain clouded my head and a gave him a light smile. "Oh, I barely did anything. I just distracted him while Bard shot it with a black arrow."

"Even so!" Kili said, he and the others seeming ignorant to the pain this conversation was causing me.

"If this is the truth, then I owe you my thanks!" Thorin said, resting his hand on my shoulder.

"Three cheers for Miranda! Dragon Slayer!" Fili called.

"Here here!" The dwarves and Bilbo cried. I smiled and thanked them, but inside, I felt myself begin to wither.


A while later, after spending a long time looking for the Arkenstone, Thorin gave the order to build a stone wall. I went to help but Thorin called me back. "Miranda," He said. "Sit this one out."

"What are you talking about? I can help." I told him.

"You just fought a terrible beast. Get some rest." He ordered.

"But-" I started.

"Rest," He urged before turning and walking away.

I laid down, my head resting on my pack. I could not sleep, so I watched the dwarves work. The seamlessness of their labor made me feel as if I was never a part of the group. Before I realized it, it was early morning.

I walked out onto the newly built stone wall, looking out at the sky as the stars began to disappear, their glory blocked out by the sun's harsh rays.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I heard a voice ask.

"Wow," I chuckled darkly. "My thoughts are so cheap."

I turned my head just in time to see Balin's eyebrows furrow with worry. "Are you alright Lassie?"

"I-" I touched the talon resting around my neck. "I'm not sure you would understand."

"Give me a chance Lass," Balin said, walking to stand next to me.

"I'm getting congratulated for killing my Adar," I whispered. "Or, that's what I called him at least."

"Adar?" Balin asked.

"It means father," I replied. I heard him inhale sharply. "I've never known my real father, and I have had many father figures. Yet, I am being congratulated for killing one. Do you know how that feels?"

He was quiet for some time before he responded. "No, I do not know. But I can't imagine it would feel very pleasant."

"It doesn't," I agreed.

"Will you tell me more about him and about the time you spent together?" Balin asked me.

I looked at him for a moment and then nodded. "I would like that, but please do not tell the others about this?"

"My lips are sealed," He replied.

So, I told him everything, starting from leaving home and accidentally ending up in Erebor. I told him all about the three years I spent training with Smaug. Until I finally got to our fight and me leaving. "Never figured out why he wanted me to leave. All he said was that winter was coming and I needed to leave."

"There were scorch marks around what looked to be a garden," Bain said. "I imagine he set fire to it, but from what you have told me about him, I do not think it was on purpose."

I stared at Balin. "He sent me away to protect me and I sent him to his doom?" I asked, tears leaking from my eyes again.

"No, Lassie." Bain said, reaching out and wiping away my tears. "You warned him and did everything in your power to convince him to leave. This was not your fault."

I nodded, turning away as I cleaned my face. Despite his words, I couldn't help but feel it was.

"So, you can breathe fire?" Balin asked. Intentionally changing the subject.

I nodded. I moved away so I was no longer in sight of the others. I tilted my head down and breathed a small bit of fire at my hands. The golden flame tickled palms and warmed my fingers.

"Lass!" Balin exclaimed. He ran towards me taking my hands in his and checked them for burns.

"Fire cannot harm me," I said with a smile. "I am immune."

"Why?" Balin asked.

"I do not know," I responded, before turning my head back to the sun. "I do not know."

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now