Chapter 6

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Miranda's POV

The next morning, I awoke in my bed. I got up groggily, but I felt oddly refreshed for some reason. As if a fog had been cleared from my mind.

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, only to realize I was in the same dress from yesterday. Gliding over to the mirror, I noticed the crown still resting on my brow. I went to pull it off but then thought better of it. I turned away from the mirror and almost tripped over a box. I picked up and went to sit at the edge of my bed. When I opened it up the box, there was a note inside. "Put this on when you wake up and then come downstairs. ~ Love Mom."

I placed the card next to me on the bed and removed the tissue paper I lifted the fabric out and looked at the dress before putting it on. The dress was a dark emerald green long-sleeved, floor-length dress. It had an embroidered forest outlined around the hem of the dress and vines up the sleeves. It was done in the same green so it almost unnoticeable. The neckline went straight across from one shoulder to the other. With interlocking embroidery, the color of mithril. Golden vines swirled in the center of the silver color, meeting in the center in the same teardrop shape that appeared on my crown.

I slipped on a pair of dark green flats before making my way down the stairs.

"Miranda," my mother breathed. I smiled and nodded to her.

"How do you feel?" My father asked concerned.

"Like a weight has been lifted," I replied, my voice sounded almost airy.

My mother and father exchanged a look and ushered me into the living room. They sat together on the loveseat and I sat across from them. My unwrapped gifts were next to me where my father had left them the previous night.

We sat quietly as mother poured us each a cup of coffee before settling back down. "I suppose we should explain," my father said as my mother looked down into her cup, as if the answers might be found there.

I nodded, "That would be helpful."

He gave a great sigh and began, "You are from a place called Middle Earth. A part of the elven kingdoms."

I stared at him as if he had lost his marbles. "But those are just books, stories. Right? They cannot be real!" I exclaimed.

"Middle Earth is as real as you and I." he spoke with all seriousness. I openly stared at him. "The stories by J. R. R. Tolkien are actually prophecies that you're first body had made."

"Prophecies? First body?" I echoed slowly, unable to wrap my head around it.

"Yes. Yesterday you broke the seal on your memories. You should know that I speak the truth." He replied. He was right, I had seen it, but I hadn't believed it. "Your mother wanted to hide you from the evil that was trying to possess you. So, she turned back time for you. You became an infant again. You had a new face and body. Your true nature would only begin to reveal itself during the week before that body's 18th birthday when the magic would fade. This is your true form. Daughter of Galadriel, Eleven Princess of Lothlorien."

At that the cup in my hands slipped. Luckily it was already empty. The sound of the cup shattering made the woman I had thought was my mother jump. I stood up and said, "If you are not my parents, who are you?" I squinted at Inne, my eyes darkening "What are you?"

Dave stood in front of Inne protectively. I glared.

"It's alright Dave," Inne said as she stood, placing a hand on Dave's shoulder and gently moving him aside in order to meet my eyes. "I am a woodland elf. I once lived in Lothlorien as your mother's best friend, but I fell in love with a mortal man. I traded my immortal life for him. And eventually, we were given you. We were ordered to raise you in the customs of the elves, far from the darkness that seeped over the land. She gave the order to banish me for my love of a mortal, but in reality, she was just protecting you."

I nodded I was satisfied with her answer; she was not lying. "In that case, I doubt my real name is Miranda?" I questioned calmly, sitting back down.

They looked at each other before Dave responded tentatively, "You are right, but you may choose which name you would like to keep." I watched him begin to gulp down his coffee as if his throat were suddenly dry. I raised an eyebrow at him as I waited for him to continue.

"Your real name is Lunalialyn Aiyaelah Faelynda Noldo. You had many nicknames ranging from Luna to Air. Only your mother called you her little fairy." Inne responded.

"Is that why you had me learn that weird but beautiful language you said was dead? And those other harsh languages?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, we taught you Quenya, Sindarin, Black Speech and what is now ancient Darvish. We know it was hard for you and you had such a busy schedule, but I hope that-" Inne was cut off by Dave.

"It is her decision," he said.

"What is?" I asked. My hostility towards them had dissipated.

"The decision to go back to your homeland. You will be an asset to the missions and never a burden. However, if you choose not to go, the missions will most likely happen as they did in the books." Dave said. "It is an important decision, because you may never be able to return, and we cannot go with you."

My heart which had been soaring plummeted down to earth. I had to choose between a family I had never met, what I have wanted all of my life, and the family who raised me. "Why can't you come with me?" I asked.

"We were banished from Lothlorien. The darkness will think something is up if we suddenly return." Inne replied gently.

"There are other places in Middle Earth you could go!" I suggested, desperate.

"No, we could not. He is not strong right now but going back with you could put you in danger." Inne reasoned.

"But if I choose this road, I may never see either of you again! You are both mortal now." I cried, I felt foolish for being angry at them for not telling me before. Then a thought occurred to me, "What would happen if I decided not to go?"

"Your features would return to what they were before, we would reseal your memories. And you will be able to return to life as Miranda." Dave answered this time.

"But please know," Inne continued, "We will always be your parents too. We might not have always shown it, but we do love you." At that I literally flung myself at them. They barely had time to lift their empty cups out of the way.

"Good thing we moved the coffee table huh?" Dave, no, father joked. We all burst out into a pile of giggles.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now