Chapter 41

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Miranda's POV

It had been many weeks since I had discovered the beautiful waterfall with Legolas. I knew that I was growing more tired, I needed to practice my fire and soon. I decided I would do it tonight in the cave I had seen behind the waterfall.

That night I put on a dark green dress, my cloak, and my weapons belt and made my way to the waterfall. I looked for a way to cross it. When I found none, I stepped into the cold stream. The water lapped at my feet, then my calves, thighs, then waist. Turns out this stream was much deeper than I thought it was. I swam the rest of the way to the cave.

When I made it, I pulled myself inside, entered one of the cave's tunnels, and dried off. Here I could use my powers with almost no one seeing. I began to meditate. Practicing my fire in short small bursts then bigger flames.

For the next few days I would return to practice. I was getting better, but I knew that I had to push myself harder. Maybe I pushed myself too hard.


This night was like any other, or so I thought. I waded into the stream and swam to the cave entrance. What I didn't know, was that a certain eleven prince had followed me. He did not cross the stream, but he waited for me on the bank.

I practiced until I grew tired and swam back to the bank. When I made it there however, I came face-to-face with Legolas.

"What are you doing?" he asked me. I couldn't tell if he was angry or not, but I suddenly felt the need to run, to get out of there. It must have shown in my eyes because the minute I took a step, he blocked my way. I tried to go around him, but it was of no use, and there were no trees around that I could use to jump over him. I turned, trying to renter the stream, but Legolas grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. "Don't try to run." He said.

I looked up at him, I felt like a caged animal. My heart was beating fast and my legs felt weak. I looked away from him and sat down on the edge of the bank. "What do you want to know?" I finally asked.

"I want to know what you were doing in that cave." Legolas stated seriously.

I sighed, "I was practicing." I hoped he would leave it at that, no such luck.

"Practicing what?" He asked.

I was quiet for a long time, before I finally answered him, "My magic." He looked at me with disbelief, so I looked at the water and raised my hands. The water in the stream followed my movement.

"That's-" He let his sentence hang; it was as if he couldn't find the right words. "Can you do it again?" He asked me.

I did this a few more times but then my hands began to shake, and the water splashed back into the stream. I cried out, holding my arms to my chest.

His eyes widened in shock as I began to breathe heavily. "Miranda?" He asked. I could hear the worry in his voice.

I took a few steady breaths before answering, "I just over exerted myself is all. It's why I need to practice."

His brow was still creased as if he didn't believe me. To be honest, I didn't really believe me either. Whenever I practiced with water it was as if I was creating steam inside of me. Like that water and the fire were fighting somehow and they air only turned the water to ice and fanned the flames.

"Are you sure you're alright?" He asked me.

"Yes," I said with a smile.

"Let's get you inside anyways," He said, offering his hand to me as he picked up the cloak I had left on the bank.

I took his hand and we began to make our way back inside the palace. As we were walking, I kept tripping over logs and roots, things I should have had no problems with. When we finally reached the palace, my legs were shaking so hard I wasn't sure how I was still walking.

When we finally made it to my door, Legolas asked, "Will you be alright?"

I nodded with a smile, "Thank you for walking me back, I'll be alright from here." He nodded and started to walk away. I entered my bedroom and as soon as the door was shut my legs gave way and I collapsed to the ground with a soft thud. I heard footsteps running back to my door and I tried hurriedly to stand up. I had gotten onto my hands and knees only to slide back when the door opened.

"Miranda!" I heard Legolas breathe as he ran to my side. He picked me up and set me down on a chair. "Where do you keep your night clothes?"

I pointed to the dresser behind him and said, "Second drawer."

He pulled one out and gave it to me gently, "Do you need me to get one of the maids or Tauriel to help you?" he asked.

"No!" I said quickly, then repeated more gently. "No. I'll be fine."

He looked at me for a moment before nodding, "I'll be right outside the room, let me know when you are decent."

I waited until he had closed my door to pull off my sopping wet clothes and pull on the long-sleeved nightgown. I draped the wet dress over the back of the chair and then called quietly, "Legolas."

He entered my room, picked me up bridal style, and laid me on the bed. I sat up and he stood there watching me. I lifted my hands and a breeze flowed through the room towards my dress. He continued to watch me while I focused on the dress. I felt my head start to pound but I ignored it. I was almost done drying off the dress. My vision started to blur, and I dropped my hands onto my bed.

Legolas frowned at me. "Why did you do that?" He asked. "It would have dried off in a day or two." I looked at my hands and didn't answer. "Why did you do it?" He repeated.

"Because I'm used to it." I stated. After a long pause I continued. "I'm used to working until my head hurts and I get dizzy or collapse. It feels like home to me."

After I said this I looked up at Legolas's face, but I couldn't focus enough to make out his expression. Suddenly he hugged me. "It feels like home to me too." He admitted into my neck. We held onto each other for a moment or two longer before we separated.

I smiled at him, or at least I hoped I did. Legolas helped me lay down and as he got up to walk away, I said, "Legolas." His figure stopped, I didn't know if he turned around or not, but I continued anyways. "Thank you. Goodnight."

He was silent for a long while before he replied softly, "Goodnight, Miranda."

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now