Chapter 38

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Miranda's POV

Legolas led me in through the passageways to the throne room. "Father." Legolas said bowing.

"Lord Thranduil," I said bowing as well.

Thranduil looked over at me. "Who is this?" He asked Legolas.

"She's a friend," he said.

"Then you must know her name," Thranduil said.

"Her name is Mir-" Legolas began but I stopped him.

"I believe your father will know me under a different name, Luna." I said.

He stood, glowering down at me. "That person is dead, she disappeared over 20 years ago! Do not claim to be someone you are not!"

"What if I could prove it?" I asked.

"Enough," Legolas whispered, "You do not want him mad at you."

"Legolas, leave us." Thranduil ordered, then turned to a guard, "Bring me a glass of water."

"My Lord," they both said bowing.

The guard returned a few moments later with a glass of water. "Anything else?"

"No," Thranduil said, "Leave us." The guard bowed and left. "If you apologize now for pretending, I'll forgive you." He told me, swirling the cup of water.

"I will not apologize for who I am!" I said.

"So be it," He said grimly before he threw the water at me.

I threw my hands up, waiting for the impact of the water. It never came. I heard Thranduil gasp and the goblet clatter to the floor. I opened my eyes and saw the water hovering above me. "Oh, right." I said. "I forgot I could do that."

"You forgot?" Thranduil asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

I nodded, "It has been a while since I had needed to use it."

My hands started to shake, and I lost control of the water. It splashed on the floor between us. Thranduil's eyes widened and he stood up again. "Are you alright?" I nodded, holding my shaking arms to my chest.

"I guess I need more practice," I said with what I hoped was a convincing smile. Something was wrong, but I didn't know what it was.


The next day I was sitting in the room that Thranduil had given me. Maids had come in to take my sizing, I felt bad that I would be leaving when the dwarves arrived.

I put on the emerald green dress that I had worn in Rivendell and my boots. I also put on my weapons belt and my cloak. I was going to train today.

I walked through the palace that I had once upon a time visited. It was easy to find my way to the training grounds.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now