Chapter 89

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Third POV

Through the fog, Thorin spotted a familiar shape in the distance. The pale orc and the dwarf king stared each other down as Thorin advanced on the Defiler.


Meanwhile, the orc holding Miranda down, kept trying to stab her. "Are you quite done?" She asked irritably. She felt another stab in her back and heard the sound of a sword shattering. "I'd say you are." She growled, "That's good, because it's my turn."

She stood up and faced her attacker. "Man, you really did a number on me. I think I have at least three cracked ribs. It's going to cost you." She teased. She took a deep breath in and exhaled on the unsuspecting orc. The flames incinerated him in less than a minute. "I suppose I could have been more merciful." She contemplated aloud. "But I found that I quite liked the sound of your scream."

Miranda turned around to find herself face to face with at least eight orcs. "Oh, were you all waiting your turn?" She asked them. "Well that wasn't necessary, but if you are all that interested, there is more where that came from."

Miranda made her way back down the steps and to where she knew Thorin and Azog would be fighting. She incinerated all in her path. "So sorry, I don't have the time to play with you right now," she apologized to the numerous piles of ashes. "But don't worry, if you come back from the dead, I'll be sure to give you the time of day." The Princess of Lothlorien smiled, but it seemed far more sinister now that she was surrounded by pitiful piles of ash and bone.


Bilbo stared at Miranda in wonder. He already knew she had been scary when angry growing up, but now he was sure of it. "Remind me never to make you angry," the hobbit said as he watched her incinerate another orc.

She turned and smiled at him. "Bilbo Baggins. Will you be alright on your own?"

He nodded, "Yes."

"Good," Miranda told him. "Be careful how much you use that ring, alright?"

Bilbo didn't respond. When did she find out? Had she always known? He patted his pocket before returning to the battle.

Miranda ran on, she passed Dwalin who called out to her, "Protect him!" She nodded at him and ran on.

"Miranda!" Kili's scream came to her. Miranda's head jerked in the young dwarf's direction. Kili was alone now, fighting off three orcs with more coming. She wasted no time and rushed to his aid. Miranda pulled out her twin daggers and sliced off the heads of two of the orcs surrounding Kili. Leaving him to fight the other one, she raced ahead and began fighting off and burning the orcs. Once they were all gone. She nodded at Kili and ran off to find Thorin.


While Miranda was fighting, Thorin was already engaging Azog in battle. They stood, Azog holding a chain with a large rock attached to the end of it. He was swinging it at Thorin as the dwarf dodged with Legolas's sword in his hand.

The two danced around the frozen lake. For each swing of the chain, the rock would fly towards Thorin. The dwarf king would dodge, and the stone would smash into the frozen ground causing splinters of ice to fly up.


Thorin wasn't the only one dealing with a rock-happy orc. Legolas was still fighting Bolg. The ugly orc threw a bolder at the tower causing it to crumble and fall. Legolas jumped from one falling stone to the next until he reached a solid stone. He threw himself into Bolg's arms, who tossed him off. They came together again, Legolas jabbed with his long knife, but his hand was caught by Bolg. The orc grinned showing his grotesque teeth, Legolas returned the gesture with a grin of his own. The elven prince retched his weapon from the orc's hands and jumped onto his shoulders. Bolg had no time to react before Legolas thrusted his knife into the orc's head and twisted it. Bolg fell, down with what was left of the crumbling tower, dead.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now