Chapter 84

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Miranda's POV

"Ride Rochben! Ride!" I yelled as an armored war-beast made his way towards us. His master had directed his forces at us, and the dwarves had already decapitated about six of the creatures.

Rochben skirted to the right, the great beast just missed squashing us. It roared in rage and confusion, I pulled back an arrow, shooting it between the eyes. I heard the dwarves yell and shout at the victory. I smiled and made my way back to them. The elation was short lived however, as the beast survived. It ran after me and the dwarves, roaring all the while. Rochben darted between his feet and ran at full sprint after the dwarves. He jumped onto the ice and barely missed being cut in half.

"Miranda! Behind you!" Kili screamed. Rochben carved a turn and made for the opposite shore just in time. The armored war-beast crashed through the ice sheath where I had just been, chasing after the dwarves.

"Bring it down!" Dwalin yelled.

"Where?" Kili's question was barely heard of the sound of the ice breaking.

"Aim at it's jambags!" Dwalin replied.

"It doesn't have any jambags!" Kili shouted back.

"Hang on lads!" Bofur called. "I'm coming!"

Bofur came in riding a war-beast. He directed it to attack the armored beast and the two fought.

I ran past him, yelling encouragingly at him, "You can do it Bofur!"

I had finally caught up with the dwarves when Kili shouted, "Wargs!"

The wargs raced forward, taking out the mountain goats. The dwarves and I shot at them.

"We're slowing down, and there are more coming!" Kili yelled.

"What should we do?" Dwalin asked. "We're pulling too much weight; we won't make it!"

"Cut the tracers. Ride them to Ravenhill," Balin said.

"No Balin," Dwalin said.

"My goat-riding days are over." Balin answered, his brother placed his hand on his arm, squeezing it tightly. "Durin be with you."

Fili, Kili, and Dwalin mounted a goat each and cut them loose. They rode for Ravenhill. Balin stayed behind, I slowed down to help him, but he called out to me. "Nay Lassie, I'll be alright. You go after them. Protect them." I nodded and pushed Rochben onward.

We made our way up the mountainside. It was tough work or Rochben as he was not as suited to mountain climbing as the goats, but we eventually made it up to the top. When I arrived, I was relieved to find everyone still there. Everyone but Azog, it would seem.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now