Chapter 27

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Miranda's POV

There was a sound over the hills. "What was that?" Bilbo asked.

"Orcs." said Kili.

"Orcs?" Bilbo asked, looking frightened.

"Throat cutters," Fili said, "The lowlands are crawling with them."

"They strike in the wee small hours when everyone's asleep. They keep quiet, no screams. Just lots of blood." Kili added. And then started to chuckle.

At this both Thorin and I stood. "You think that's funny?" Thorin asked seriously. "You think a night raid by orcs is a joke?"

"We didn't mean anything by it," Kili said, looking small. I relaxed, leaning against the cold, hard stone next to Balin.

"No, you didn't, you know nothing of the world," Thorin spat walking away.

"Don't mind him Laddie," Balin said, watching the young dwarf's crestfallen face. "Thorin has more cause than most to hate orcs. After the dragon took the Lonely Mountain, King Thror tried to reclaim the ancient dwarf kingdom of Moria. But our enemy had got there first." I sat down again and waited for him to continue. "A white orc named Azog the Defiler had sworn to wipe out the line of Durin." Balin seemed to choke on his words. "He began, by beheading the king. Thorin's father Thrain went mad with grief, he went missing. Taken prisoner or killed, we did not know. We were leaderless. Defeat and death were upon us, but then I saw a young dwarf prince. He faced Azog with only an oak as a shield. Azog learned that day that the line of Durin would not fall so easily."

The story I knew of course but hearing it from Balin was something else entirely.

"And the pale orc? What happened to him?" Bilbo asked.

"The filth slunk back into the whole whence it came. He died of his wounds long ago." Thorin said. I shared a look with Gandalf and Balin. The pale orc lived.


The following day it rained. I kept my hood up while we rode. I heard one of the dwarves ask if Gandalf could stop the rain. I laughed a bit, knowing he could but wouldn't. He spoke of the other wizards when he spoke of Saruman I frowned. He would betray us all in the future, but until that time came, I knew he was our fierce ally.

"-And Radagast the Brown." Gandalf continued. I smiled, Radagast is a good fellow, odd, but good.

Once we arrived at an old house, Gandalf said, "I think it would be wise if we moved on. We could make for the hidden valley."

"I already told you," Thorin said, "I won't go near that place."

"Why not!" I interjected, "The elves could help us! We could get food, rest, advice!"

"We do not need advice! Thorin snapped.

"We have a map we cannot read! Lord Elrond could help us." Gandalf said, trying to reason with him.

"A map?" I asked, "Is it in ancient dwarvish? Can I see it?"

"Help?" Thorin scoffed, "When the dragon took Erabor, what help came from the elves? Orcs plunder Moria, desecrate our sacred halls, the elves looked on and did nothing! You asked me to seek help from the very people who betrayed my grandfather and betrayed my father."

"You are neither of them. I did not give you that map and key for you to hold onto the past!" Gandalf said, disappointed.

"They were never yours to keep!" Thorin spat and then he turned to me, "I will never let an elf read this map for as long as I live!" At this, Gandalf left.

"What happened to not letting hate get in the way of the mission?!" I exclaimed. "We are trying to help you!"

"I need no help from elves!" Thorin stated darkly.

"Is that all I am to you?" I asked. Thorin did not answer.

"Very well." I said, and with that I followed Gandalf's example and left.

I rode for a while before settling down in an old cave. "Dwarves!" I yelled angrily, "They are more stubborn than dragons!"

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now