Chapter 10

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Miranda's POV

As I entered the portal colors spun around me and I felt as if I was falling. Purples and whites spun and swirled around me. Blues and greens past me in what felt like a rush of cool, fresh air. Soon the purples and whites were replaced with reds and yellows. Then I landed, creating a faint tinkling sound.

I prepared to whistle but stopped and looked around me. Where was I? All around me was stone and gold. Piles and piles of gold and jewels. Could it be? Was I in Erabor?

My question was soon answered as I heard the sound of coins clinking together creating a huge avalanche. Then I saw it, an eye of yellow fire. Staring right at me. There was a thunderous growl as he rose to his full height, coins falling off of him in waves. Smaug.

"Who dares enter my domain?! Who dares disturb my slumber?!" the dragon roared. I stared at him. Watching. Assessing. "Ah. An elf. What brings you here? Gold? Jewels?"

"No." I responded. "Actually, I do not know how I arrived. I am supposed to be many leagues from here."

"How did you get here then?" He taunted. "How did you get here without me hearing you? Without me smelling you?"

"A portal from a distant realm." I replied honestly.

"Ah, the portal. Where were you trying to go?" Smaug questioned, seeing me hesitate he added, "Do not lie. I will know."

"Lothlorien," I responded.

"You would have arrived there if you had left two days ago. But it seems that you are out of luck young one." He rattled.

"Will you allow me to leave?" I asked.

"Hmmm." He paused, seeming to consider it. "No!" He exclaimed and with that he reached out with his snout, but I jumped backwards doing a flip midair before landing and racing off. "You can run but you cannot hide! I will find you!" His voice thundered, bouncing off the walls.

I continued to run and jump over rock and gold. I lighted down on a broken stone pillar, scanning my surroundings.

"I found you!" he breathed, lashing his tail at me. I jumped up and climbed up onto a ledge. He brought down his claws, trying to pin me to the ground. I continued to evade him until I hit a wall. "You've run out of room young one!" As he opened his jaws, I jumped sideways causing him to clamp down on air. "You cannot run from me!" he called. As he turned, his wing smashed into the stone wall I had been backed up against a second ago causing it to crumble to the ground. One hit me, pinning my leg in place. "No more running! I will burn you to a crisp!" Smaug opened his jaws wide and breathed out. The fire enveloped me. It was warm. I watched the yellows and oranges swirl past me, right at the center was a stream of red. The colors were beautiful. I saw the coins around me begin to melt. Yet I remained as I was, unharmed.

At last the fire streaming from his mouth dissipated. It left me feeling cold. Smaug churred and went to turn away when he spotted me removing the stone that encaged my foot. His churring chuckle turned into a snort of surprise.

"How are you still alive?" He asked me.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now