Chapter 91

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Miranda's POV

Bilbo put his arm around Thorin's head and spoke to him. He told Thorin to wait, to hold on. I held his hand in mine and felt the chill of death creep through him, seeping through his blood. I clutched his hand in mine, long after he had gone cold, as if my warmth would return his life to him.


After some time; Fili, Kili, and Dwalin made their way in our direction. The three stopped when they saw him. The joy of victory draining from their faces.

"Uncle?" Kili asked, walking up to him, he touched his cold hand as if he could not believe he was gone. "Uncle?" He asked again. I squeezed Thorin's hand tightly then slowly let it go. I choked back a sob as I watched his hand fall onto the ice.

I walked away to make room for Fili to say goodbye to his uncle. I tried to walk away but
I felt a hand on my shoulder. Dwalin pulled me towards him and hugged me. I screamed into his shoulder. I felt him shake as he joined in my sorrow.

Our cries caught the attention of two elves. Legolas and Tauriel ran up to us. Their eyes fell on Thorin, dead on the ice with his two nephews at his side. Tauriel walked up to Kili and place a hand on his shoulder. Legolas simply watched from a distance.

Soon other dwarves arrived, the others from the company and more. They took Thorin away, his body limp in their arms.


I was in the mountain, the dark stone walls looming over me. Thorin had been placed on a stone table with the Arkenstone in his hands and the elven sword at his side. From outside, the sounds of horns could be heard playing a sad song to the fallen king.

The dwarves of the company walked around Thorin's body in silence. I could not meet their eyes, I felt I had failed them. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see Gandalf. His smile was sad, but his eyes told me more than words ever could.

Eventually, it was time to lay him to rest in the ground forever.

"The King is dead!" Gandalf proclaimed to the surrounding dwarves. Everyone held their own light, even Tauriel, who stood next to Kili.

"Long live the King!" Balin shouted, holding up his sword.

We all pulled out our swords and repeated his words. "Long live the King!" Dain's head bowed to his new people, a crown resting on his head.


"I think I'll just slip quietly away," Bilbo said, standing in front of the entrance. "Will you tell the others I said goodbye?"

"You can tell them yourself," Balin told him.

Bilbo turned around to face us, looking across our features, it took a moment before he found his voice. "If any of you are ever passing Bag End, tea is at 4:00. There is plenty of it. You are welcome anytime."

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now