Chapter 37

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Third POV

"You've been here a long time Miranda," Beorn said as he poured me a tankard of milk. "Are you sure they will be here?"

I looked into my cup. "Yes." I replied. "But I'm not sure when they will come."

"Are you sure you wouldn't be more comfortable with your own kin where you can listen to your own name?" He asked, swirling his milk before taking a drink.

"Would you prefer I leave?" Miranda asked.

"I do prefer to be alone," Beorn said. "It is what I'm used to."

"Then I will take my leave," Miranda said getting up from her seat.

"Miranda!" Beorn called. "I do enjoy having you here. Please come back to visit me again."

Miranda nodded as she began collecting her things. "I will."

Once Miranda had everything she had brought with her, she turned to Beorn, "When they come, they will be chased by orcs. Be careful."

"How?" Beorn questioned confused. "How do you know they will come? How do you know what will happen?"

Miranda mounted her horse and pulled her hood down before she answered, "I know far more than I should. Heya!"

As Beorn watched her go, he wondered what the meaning was behind her words.

Miranda rode until she reached the Old Forest Road. "Well," Miranda said to herself, "I don't need to cut all the way through Mirkwood. I might as well take the Forest Elf Path."

Miranda found it easy to stay on the path, perhaps it was because she was an elf and not a dwarf. When she was about halfway to the palace, she whispered, "Rochben, when we get there, I want you to pretend to scare. Buck and then take off running. Do not worry about me I will be fine. Meet me by the river when you hear the dwarves making their way down it. Stay safe. Do not do anything until I say so." Rochben whinnied and seemed to nod his head. Miranda smiled and stroked his mane.

As they got closer to the gates, the guards pointed their spears at Miranda, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"Now!" Miranda whispered. Rochben took action and reared trying to kick one of the guards. "Put down your weapons!" She called to them. "You're scaring him!" The guards retreated a bit but did not lower their weapons. Out of the corner of her eye Miranda saw the great doors begin to open. "I said put down your weapons!" Miranda yelled again. "Rochben, it's alright. Calm dad. N- still mellon nin."

"What's going on here?!" Miranda heard a familiar voice.

At that moment, Rochben bucked her off, jumped over the guards and ran into the forest. Miranda landed hard on her back. She lifted her arm towards him yelling, "Rochben! Tul- back!" But Rochben kept running until he was out of sight. "Rochben!"

"Are you alright?" Miranda saw a hand in her field of vision which she gratefully took.

She smiled and replied, "Yes." Miranda took his hand and he helped her up. While his back was turned, Miranda made sure her hood was still on. It was.

"What was that all about?!" Legolas asked, he sounded angry.

"It's an intruder." One guard said. "We were just doing our duty."

Legolas sighed and turned to me saying, "Let's go inside. I believe it is time you met my father."

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now