Chapter 49

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Miranda's POV

"Let's get dressed now," Tauriel said changing the subject.

I nodded, "Do you have your dress picked out?" I asked.

"My dress has been picked out for weeks!" She exclaimed.

I shook my head at her and shooed her towards the changing panel. "You get dressed first."

When she came back out, she was wearing a forest green ankle-length dress with long sleeves. It had a light-brown belt that held her sword.

Pointing to it I asked, "Is that really necessary?"

"I'm the captain of the guard. I have to be prepared at all times." She replied. I sighed. "Now it's your turn!"

I picked up my dress and my pack as I retreated behind the screen. I pulled off my armor, tunic, and pants and pulled on the dark-blue, almost midnight dress. It was long-sleeved like all my dresses but looked as if it had been kissed by the stars. The dress hugged my bust but at my waist it flared out a little and draped to the floor in such a way that I seemed to float when I walked. I wore a thin, simple silver belt around my waist and my hair was tied back in a loose ponytail and draped over my right shoulder with the ends curled. My simple moonstone ring was on my finger and my necklace rested on my collarbone. I pulled out my ear pieces and placed the plain one on my right ear and the extravagant one on my left. Then I pulled out my diadem and stared at it.

"What's taking so long?" Tauriel asked. "Are you stuck?"

Without thinking any longer, I put my diadem on my brow and slowly walked out from behind the screen keeping my head down.

"Why are you looking down?" Tauriel asked worriedly. "Do you not feel well?" She was trying to see my face. "Stop hiding from me!" I looked up and her eyes widened. "Miranda," she said slowly, "What is your name?"

Tauriel and Legolas knew that I didn't go by my given name but never asked any questions until now. I sighed softly, "My name is Lunalialyn Aiyaelah Faelynda." I didn't tell her my last name, I knew it would come up eventually, but I didn't want to say it for as long as I could manage.

"Your last name?" She asked, her voice quavering.

"I would rather not say..." I said looking away.

"Why?" She questioned.

"It puts people in danger," I replied.

She smiled at me saying, "Alright. Let's head to the feast, shall we?"

I smiled back at her, "We shall."


When we got to the hall doors, the guard there opened the door for us. "Have a good evening My Ladies." We nodded to him and entered the banquet room.

"Ah!" Thranduil said, offering me his hand. "Princess Lunalialyn, I'm glad you could attend." Tauriel looked like she had choked on her spit when he called me a princess. "Please, enjoy the festivities."

I gracefully curtsied and replied, "Of course My Lord." Then pulled Tauriel with me to get some food. Sometime during the night, I lost sight of her. I figured that she had gone to see Kili. I was careful not to drink too much as I knew I would have to leave early in the morning. The thought made me sad because I knew that I may never return to this place.

"Miranda," a voice startled me out of my thoughts. I spun around and found Legolas. He stared at my diadem. "You-" He stopped himself. "You have a tiara."

"Yes," I replied, though I knew he did not need my confirmation. "Are you looking for Tauriel?"

His face became clouded and I realized my mistake. "Legolas," I began, "I'm sorry, I know you care for her."

"She cares for another," he replied. I reached forward and took one of his hands in mine, but before I could say anything, I saw Tauriel return. I quickly pulled my hands away from him, but it was too late, she had seen. She only smiled at me and wiggled her eyebrows at me. I blushed excusing myself and made my way back to my room. It was almost time to go.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now