Chapter 21

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Miranda's POV

I stayed in Rivendell for many days. Catching up with old friends and making new ones. But now, it was time for me to depart.

"Please tell my mother that I will go see her when I can." I asked Lord Elrond. A man who has been like an uncle to me.

"I will. Be safe." He told me, giving me a hug and then stepping back.

"Arwen," I began and then continued in a whisper, "I know you like him."

She blushed and hugged me. "I'll miss you, Luna."

"I'll miss you to," I told her, then turned to the boy who would eventually be known as Strider, "Aragorn, will you ride with me to the border?"

We mounted our horses and took off.


After some riding we had gone our separate ways and I was alone again. I now traveled along the Great East Road to The Shire. On the way there, I stopped in Bree for a night.

"Room for one and some bread." I said, placing money on the counter.

The innkeeper stared at me. My hood was up and only my mouth was visible. He took the money and passed me a key and bread. "A curious feller ain't ya. Not many people around here walk around with gold in their pack." I didn't reply and took the key off the table and the bread from his hand. "A silent one 'eh? Where do you travel?"

"West." I said, taking a bite out of the bread.

"Another feller headed towards the Shire?" He asked, more to himself then me. He turned around muttering, "What's so interesting about a bunch of hobbits anyways?"


The next day I made my way to the stables. Petting his head, I asked Rochben, "Are you ready for another day's ride?" He whinnied and stomped his left foot impatiently. I chuckled at him, petting his mane.

"You ride bareback little Lassie?" Came a voice from behind me. I spun around pulling out one of my daggers. It was a white bearded dwarf. "No need for that, I simply came to talk." I sheathed my dagger and turned back around. "My name is Balin. What's yours?"

"How did you know I was a woman?" I asked him rather rudely.

"It's simple really, you don't have the body of a man," I sighed and pulled my hood farther down. "You may call me Miranda."

"Very nice to meet you Lady Miranda." He said. From the long pause I assume he had bowed.

I turned around and bowing, said, "Eithel govannen." I made sure I had everything and began leading Rochben out of the stables.

"I hope to see you again Lady Miranda!" I heard Balin call. I climbed onto Rochben's back and lifted my hand in a short wave.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now