Chapter 53

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Miranda's POV

I was riding on horseback towards the mountain. I knew that Thorin would not put me above the mission. For that, I was grateful.

As I rode, I thought of Legolas and Tauriel. I knew that Tauriel would follow Kili, and Legolas would follow Tauriel. Who do I have? No! I mustn't think like this. They will both be hurt in the end if I cannot do something.

"Are you ready for a little swim Rochben?" I asked him. He looked towards me and glared. "Come on," I coxed. "I won't be that bad. Just from one side to the other." He snorted but began wading anyways. "Wait! Let me get off you first!" He ignored me and continued moving. I felt bad; I knew I was weighing him down, but he just kept moving.

It wasn't long until we were on the other side of the river. Now, all we had to do was run along the river towards Laketown.


I arrived at The Lonely Mountain and looked up. I thought about entering and seeing Smaug again, but I knew I had to find the dwarves first. So, with one last longing look up, I made my way to the water.

Rochben snorted and whinnied quietly. I hushed him. "I'll return, but you better hide."

As I was swimming, a fog rolled in and I was able to get through without being seen. I hoisted myself up onto the planks and dried myself off.

"Who are you?" Came an uppity voice.

I turned around to find myself facing Alfrid. "Alfrid." I spoke

"How do you know my name?" He asked cautiously. "State your business!"

"I am simply visiting from the Woodland Realm," I replied.

"I don't believe you," Alfrid said.

"That's your problem, but it is true. Now, if you will let me pass, I will be on my way." I told him, trying to shoulder my way past him without knocking him into the water.

He purposely blocked my way. "I don't think so," his voice reminded me of a crow. "I want to know who you are."

"I am who I am, I am who I was, and I am who I will always be!" I exclaimed.

"That's no answer!" He claimed.

"What other answer is there?" I asked, finally pushing past him. He landed in the water with a splash. I smirked as I ran, he could use a bath anyways.


I walked up to a woman and tapped her on the shoulder. She jumped.

"Sorry about that miss." I apologized. "I am looking for a man named Bard. Could you please show me where his house is?" She did not move. "I promise I mean no harm." I assured her. "But I need to find him. It's urgent."

After a few more moments, she nodded. "I'll help you, but will you tell me your name?"

"Miranda." I replied.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now