Chapter 65

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Miranda's POV

I watched as Smaug descended on the town, red and yellow fire raging in his lungs. He roared, spewing fire upon the wooden town. I watched as the man next to me screamed as his clothes caught fire.

"Father!" A little boy screamed, clawing at his mother's arms, trying to reach his father. The man's hair became flame and his eyes lost the sight of the future.

"Run!" He cried to his family. "Get out of here!"

The small family ran to a boat, missing the final smile the man sent them as the fire consumed his soul.

I had been running towards them, but I had not been fast enough, I watched silently as the fire consumed him. I could hear his son screaming from the lake, but the father would never answer again.

Turning away from the gruesome scene, I continued my search. I climbed onto the roof of a burning building and saw something truly horrible. The master of the town was running away. The slimy man that always followed him was thrown overboard because the boat was weighed down by too much gold.

"So, it is true what they say, 'there is nothing in this world worse than man's greed." I muttered to myself. As I took off, I could hear the sound of the terrible man being choked and a building crashing down. "Good riddance." I said.

I looked around the town and looked to the highest building. "The bell tower," I whispered.

I ran and jumped, though fire an over water to get to the point at which I could be seen.

"Adar!" I screamed. "Adar!" But my cries were lost in the screams of the burning village.


It wasn't long until I saw another making his way towards me. He ran up the steps and carried a bow firmly in his hand. "Bard," I whispered his name when he made his way up.

He glanced at me surprised, but there was no time for conversation. Bard took up his bow and shot an arrow towards Smaug's impenetrable hide.

"Bard!" I exclaimed. "Let me talk to him."

"You cannot reason with a dragon," Bard replied, preparing another arrow.

"He will listen to me," I said.

"He will listen to none but his own," Bard responded letting yet another arrow fly.

"Please," I begged, "Please, I cannot watch him fall, not without trying."

He looked at me for a moment before shaking his head. "You cannot, he will not listen to us. He knows only of gold."

There was a piercing scream, "Da!" I looked in the direction of the sound and saw Bard's son Bain climbing out of the boat. I watched as Tauriel and the dwarves tried to keep him in, but it was of no use. I knew where he was going.

"Your son is brave," I said. "He will join you in facing your past in order to protect your future."

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now