Chapter 16

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Third POV

The next morning when Miranda awoke, she found Smaug curled up around her.

"Are you awake Luna?" He asked.

"Yes Adar," She replied, trying to get over his great red body.

"Stay a while longer," Smaug's voice sounded around her.

"You are the one who wants me to leave," She argued.

"I am sorry, I wish you could stay, but winter is coming, and you do not have enough food." Smaug said, trying to reason with her.

"I could stay! I could eat fish!" She offered, even though the thought of eating it disgusted her.

"No, you could not." Smaug stated firmly. "I can see you are disgusted by the even the thought." Miranda knew that he was right as she hung her head in defeat. "Sleep some more, you have a long road, you need strength." He purred as she curled up beside him, falling asleep.

As Miranda slept, Smaug kept purring until she was in a deep slumber. He uncoiled himself from around her and looked around his hoard until he found a sack and began to fill it with gold. He picked it up with his teeth carrying it over to her stuff. He gingerly lifted the lid of her pack and dropped in the gold. It was his parting gift to her. One that she could not refuse.


When Miranda awoke again late in the afternoon, she found Smaug still wrapped protectively around her. She sighed before looking up at him, wanting to memorize his great form, only to find him staring back at her. They stared into each other's eyes. Eyes of blue-green and orange fire.

"What do you want? I will give you one thing from here before you go. Tell me. It can be anything," Smaug stated, a burr in his voice.

"Anything?" Miranda asked.

"Yes, anything," He replied.

"I want you to breathe fire at me again." She said.

Smaug snorted in surprise. "No, I will not. Fire is for enemies. You are my daughter and my friend. I will not harm you."

"It cannot harm me," Miranda reasoned. "I am immune to your fire. I feel nothing but warmth from it. Where others see death, I see beauty. I want to see it one last time."

Smaug stared at her. She was indeed worthy of receiving his gift of dragon fire. He then asked, "Are you sure? I can give you anything! Even the Arkenstone!"

Silence rested for a minute as she stared at him shocked but soon recovered. "I have no need for the Arkenstone. You have already given me more than enough of your hoard."

"I cannot interest you in something else? More mithril?" Smaug coaxed.

"No, Adar." Miranda said without much thought.

Smaug sighed heavily and stood up. "Are you ready?"

"Yes." The moment those words left Miranda's mouth, Smaug roared and she was engulfed in flames. His flames were just had she had remembered them. Orange and yellow like his eyes. Scarlet red, leading to a crimson center. She reached her arms forward as if to hold the flames, letting their warmth surround her.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now