Chapter 72

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Miranda's POV

My eyes filled with tears. "I cannot help it," my voice came out in a whisper.

"You are a monster!" He yelled, his eyes alight with unreasonable insanity.

"No!" I cried, grasping onto his hand.

"Let go of me!" He snapped, throwing me off. I felt rage and pain begin to take over me. "I cannot believe all this time; you were nothing but a monster! Leave, while I'm still being nice!"

"No!" I cried out again.

"Leave now or I will kill you!" He yelled.

"Kill me?" I asked, a deadly calm consumed me while tears streamed from my golden eyes. "Kill me?" I laughed; I must have sounded insane. "I'd like to see you try."

Thorin backed away from me, fear evident in his eyes. "Monster," he whispered again.

"I'm the monster? Really?" I asked him. "You, who expects me to choose to fight for my friends against my kin?!" I took a step towards him and he took a step back. "You who would go to war over a few jewels? You call me a monster?" I asked him, I took another step forward and he retreated again. He opened his mouth to respond but I would not let him. My words began to seep with sarcasm and venom. "Do you expect me to fight for such a valiant and just cause?!" I advanced on him again, I didn't know what I looked like, but I could feel the steam escaping my mouth. "You who has lost all thought of right or wrong now only thinks of gold and riches! It takes more than a crown and gold to make a king! When did you become one such as this where you did not honor your word?!"

"I owe those elves nothing!" He exclaimed, swiping his hand in front of him.

"And what of the people of Laketown, they offered you what little they had, and now that they have nothing, you turn your backs on them?!" I shot back.

"They did not offer us help in our time of need, when Smaug first took Erebor! Why should I?" Thorin replied, his words echoing around the halls. I could hear the sounds of footsteps approaching.

"You never even went to them for help!" I screamed back at him, flames flickering around my mouth. "How can you blame others for the word of one person? And now, for your word, you are sending your people to war!" I yelled at him.

"It is for the birthright of my people!" He yelled back.

"The birthright of your people is this Mountain, not the gold inside it. If all you do is hoard your gold, then you are no better than a dragon!" I seethed.

"At least I don't have fire like one!" He shot back.

I chuckled darkly, I continued in a deadly calm voice, advancing on the naive King Under the Mountain. "You have no conscience or thought beyond gold. You are just like your grandfather was so many years ago. I might carry the fire of a dragon, but you hold a curse, dragon's greed."

Thorin's face fell. His eyes grew soft and for a moment, I thought I had gotten through to him. The anger fell from my face and I reached out a hand to him, he slapped it away. "I do not take orders from elf trash!" He spat.

I narrowed my eyes at him and rose to my full height. "Do not behave as if you are above me Thorin Oakenshield! My name is Lunalialyn Aiyaelah Faelynda Noldo, daughter of the Lady Galadriel and heir to the throne of Lothlorien! You would do well to remember that!"

He raised a hand and slapped my face; I heard a gasp from somewhere behind me. "You have no authority here, elf."

My eyes turned golden and before anyone could blink, I had Thorin pinned up against the stone wall by his neck. "My fire could burn the skin from your bones in seconds. Do not tempt me," I looked across his features and spat out the last word. "Dwarf." I released him from the wall and took a few steps back.

Thorin rubbed his neck and stumbled forward. He grasped the hilt of his sword and pulled it from its sheath. "Leave," He said, glowering at me. "You are no longer welcome here."

I scoffed at him. "Gladly." I replied turning on my heel, I came face to face with Balin, Fili, Kili, Bofur, and Bilbo.

"Lassie," Balin said after we were out of hearing range of Thorin. "He didn't mean it."

"Well, I did." I said, collecting my things. "I will join the battle when the orcs arrive."

"Orcs?" Bofur asked.

"They will come. The Elves are not your enemy. Save your strength. You will need it." I replied.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now