Chapter 39

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Miranda's POV

Once I had been training a while, I heard someone coming. I was in the middle of throwing a knife, as I turned, I threw it at the incoming person. Legolas dodged the knife and it thunked into the trunk of a tree. Legolas looked at me like he couldn't believe I just did that.

"Don't you know better than sneaking on someone who is practicing?" I asked.

"Don't you know to keep an eye on your surroundings?" He countered.

"If I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings, I wouldn't have almost hit you!" I exclaimed.

"If you had been paying better attention you would have known it was me." He said.

I looked at him for a moment before lowering my head. "You're right, I'm sorry."

He smiled softly at me, "Just be more careful next time. Now, would you like to spar with me?"

I smiled and pulled out my sword. "Would I ever!"

We circled each other, our swords at the ready. I struck first; our swords clanged together. We broke apart and clashed together again. I noticed he was trying to back me into a tree, so I jumped. My hand grabbed hold of the lowest rung and I thrusted myself over top of him. When I landed, I spun around just in time to block his next attack. I pushed against my sword, hoping he would stagger back. He pushed against me and I broke it off spinning to the right. His sword hit the ground harmlessly. I brought my sword to his neck, but he twisted out of my reach. I jumped, swinging my sword at him, but he summersaulted away. He began to attack me more earnestly. All I could do was block each blow as it came. All too soon, he had me pinned to a tree. I dropped my sword. He thought I had forfeited so he took a step back and withdrew his sword from my neck. I drew out my daggers and pounced. I placed one dagger on either side of his neck. He glowered at me, raising his hands.

As I was withdrawing my daggers from his neck, I felt a sword at my back and heard a female voice say, "Remove your weapons or I'll run you through." I slowly lowered my daggers and sheathed them. "State your business here." She said, pushing the sword harder into my back.

"Tauriel." Legolas said. "He na- a mellon." Tauriel lowered her sword.

I breathed a small sigh of relief and turned around to face Tauriel. "Hello," I said, "I'm Miranda."

She smiled at me, "Sorry about almost stabbing you. My name is Tauriel."

"No harm done," I replied, returning her smile. "I'm glad there is such a capable captain of the guards."

"How did you know?" She asked.

"I think I overheard it somewhere," I lied smoothly. They both squinted their eyes at me, I pretended not to notice and went to retrieve my sword. "Well," I continued, "I'll see you at dinner." With that I turned and left.


Later that night, I heard a knock on my door, I opened it to reveal Legolas holding the throwing knife I almost hit him with.

"I believe this is yours?" He asked.

"Oh! Thank you!" I said, taking it out of his hands.

He stood there for a few moments before turning and leaving. I watched him go. Wondering what that was all about.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now