Chapter 46

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Third POV

Bilbo began to cut down his comrades and they fell to the forest floor with soft thumps. They pulled themselves out of their sticky prisons.

"Are you alright there Bofur?" Gloin asked.

"I'm alright!" Balin said.

"Get it off me!" Thorin yelled.

"Where's Bilbo?" Bofur asked.

"I'm up here!" Bilbo called. Unfortunately, this revealed his position. A spider screamed and charged at him only to be stabbed in the thorax. Bilbo found himself caged within the dead spider's legs and falling. He dropped the ring and when he landed, he started searching for it franticly.

While this was happening, the dwarves were battling the spiders. Thorin swung his sword at one spider while another landed on Bombur.

"Grab the legs!" Oin ordered. "Pull!" the dwarves managed to delimb the spider just in time. It's body landing heavily on top of the downed Bombur.

"Where is it? Where is it?" Bilbo muttered franticly as he searched for the ring. He sighed in relief when he found it. Then a trap-door spider climbed out of it's whole. Bilbo cringed as the spider knocked the ring around. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore and with a yell, he charged at the small pale-pink spider. Killing it, he reclaimed the ring.

"Come on!" Kili shouted.

"Look out, brother!" Gloin called.

The dwarves were punching, slashing, kicking, and killing the spiders. Kili screamed as one grabbed him from behind. Fili impaled one in its head then ran to help his brother.

"Keep up!" Dwalin yelled.

"We're clear!" Thorin called only to eat his words as another spider dropped down.

Then in through the trees came elves. An elf with platinum blonde hair swooped in and quickly dispatched the spider. Then turned and pointed his bow at the dwarf prince. The dwarves raised their weapons but found they were surrounded.

"Don't think I won't kill you, dwarf," Legolas said, somewhere between a smile and a grimace graced his face. "It would be my pleasure."

"Help!" yelled Kili

"Kili!" His brother shouted back.

Kili was being dragged by his feet by a spider when a beautiful female elf came soaring through the trees. She landed on the ground and impaled one with her sword then turned and slashed one in the jugular. The last one she shot an arrow through its head. Another one came charging at her and she sliced it with her sword.

"Throw me a dagger!" Kili yelled. "Quick!"

"It you think I'm giving you a weapon, dwarf, your mistaken!" Tauriel yelled as she threw her sword. It landed right in the incoming spider's eyes.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now