Chapter 5

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Miranda's POV

Inside the box was a crown made of silver wire. I stared at it. There seemed to be slots for gemstones, but none there. I wondered momentarily if they had fallen out into the box. I looked but there was nothing else there.

Father seemed to know what I was looking for. "If you choose the path of wandering, they will come to you in time."

I looked at him before continuing to stare at the crown in confusion. What did this mean? A crown? I reached out to touch it and a searing pain entered my head. I immediately withdrew my hand, the pain disappeared almost instantly. I frowned. What was that? I tentatively reached my hand out to touch it again, this time I did not let go.

The present time disappeared, and I was left staring into the blurry face of a beautiful woman. Her golden hair seemed to tickle my face as she bent over me to kiss my forehead.

"This is for the best," she said softly, as if she were talking to herself. She reached her dainty hand out and placed a finger onto my forehead. The last thing I remember was a tear falling from her blue eyes.

My eyes snapped open. I didn't realize they had even closed. The pain in my head was faint now. A dull throb. The crown seemed to pulsate, as if it was begging me to put it on.

I wrapped my hands around the silver headpiece, bringing it up to eye level. I was about to place it onto my head when it was taken from my grasp.

"Please," came a gruff voice, as if drowned in grief. "Allow me." I felt rough hands side the crown into place. The minute it rested on my forehead I was overcome with memories.

My head pounded as I remembered playing with the same golden-haired woman. The first time I shot a bow. The first time I held a sword, a knife. No! I've already done those things! I don't know this woman! I was trying to reason with myself, but the evidence was overwhelming. Somehow, I had done those first times more than once. But that was impossible. Right?

My head throbbed as it forced me to experience one memory after the other. Were these really my memories? But then how come I could also remember growing up here in this house in the forest? Nothing was making sense. I seemed to remember more birthdays than a human could experience. More people than I had ever met. More places than I had ever been to. But that was impossible. My mind was fighting itself.

At that time, I did not know it, but my body had already collapsed to the floor.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now