Chapter 88

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Third POV

When Legolas and Tauriel could finally see Ravenhill, they saw that it was overrun with bats and orcs. The large flying creatures shrieked as they came down upon the dwarves on the battlefield. Legolas reached for one and hitched a ride. Tauriel continued on foot.

"Kili!" She cried, making it to his side.

"Tauriel," He said, "Good to see you."

She smiled, though he couldn't see, "You too."

Meanwhile, Legolas was in the middle of decapitating two entire lines of orcs upside-down. Once he reached an old tower, he stashed his twin long-knives and shot the bat straight through it's skull.


Miranda was on her way to help Thorin but turned around to help the others. She glanced once more at the young dwarf king battling an orc, before sprinting back the way she had come.

"What are you doing back here?" Dwalin asked as he saw Miranda running back through towards him.

"You need all the help you can get." She replied, slicing an orc's head clean off its shoulders. Miranda ran past him and up and down stairs, killing any orcs that got in her way. She felt a sharp kick to her back, and she fell onto her chest with a sudden cry of alarm. Miranda felt a sword brought down onto her back heavily. She screamed in pain, catching the attention of Legolas. There was another yell, this time from his right. Tauriel was about to be killed by Bolg. He reached into his quiver for an arrow but found none. The ground beneath his feet began to shake, he looked down and saw a war-beast.

Legolas jumped down from the tower with his sword drawn. The sword impaled itself into the beast's head. The creature screamed and stumbled backward. Legolas swung around and pushed forward, the war-beast followed his command and rammed into the tower he had been standing on moments ago. The tower fell, creating a bridge to Tauriel.

Bolg saw this and came after the young elven prince. Their weapons clanged together a few times until Bolg crashed his scimitar into the tower, causing it to crumble at Legolas's feet. Their weapons clashed again, each pushing with all his might. Legolas was slammed into the wall of the tower and it crumbled away.

Bolg brought his scimitar down on Legolas again and again, missing each time. The angered orc roared in frustration as he tried to back the elf into a corner.

Thorin, who had been fighting an orc on the ice above, threw the dead body down towards Bolg. The dead orc crashed through the tower causing an avalanche to bury the ugly creature. At that moment, a war-beast came upon the now defenseless dwarf. Legolas threw his sword at the monster, hitting it in the chest.

Right at that moment, Bolg came racing towards Legolas, swinging his scimitar down on the elf. Legolas twirled away, pulling out his twin long-knives, he began swinging and slashing Bolg. One of his knives became lodged in Bolg's hand. The orc smiled, showing his nasty pointed teeth. He curled his hand around the hilt of the knife, he swung his fist at Legolas. Legolas dodged, falling through a layer of the tower. 

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now