Chapter 51

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Third POV

Legolas and Tauriel saw Miranda run past them while they were still killing orcs. Legolas was confused but Tauriel was relieved. A bit later they ran to help her.

When they got there, Legolas sprang into action and shot an orc that was coming after Miranda. Tauriel followed suit.

The orcs were trying to get at the dwarves, and many were falling into the river, they were not a problem. Orcs cannot swim. One jumped at Balin and Thorin threw a spear, pinning the orc to an overhanging tree.

On a felled tree, orcs had lined up and Dwalin cut it apart causing the orcs to fall to their doom. Tauriel and Legolas slashed and shot at every orc they came across, but Miranda was nowhere to be seen.

The dwarves continued their way down the rapids. Followed closely by the orcs. Legolas jumped and while standing on Dwalin and Dori's heads, he took out many orcs. Then he ran back onto ground. As he shot, slashed, and kicked the foul creatures, he was looking for Miranda. Legolas was so engrossed in what he was doing that he didn't notice an orc behind him raising a weapon at him. Thorin threw the axe in his hands and it landed in the orc's face, killing it instantly.

Legolas stared at Thorin as he passed by. Why would he save him? Suddenly, there was a sound from behind him. He turned to see an arrow fly off course. Tauriel rolled forward and as she was about to slit his neck, Legolas spoke. "Tauriel, wait! This one we keep alive."

Legolas stared at the swarm of orcs worry creasing his brows. Where was Miranda? What had happened?


There were many other close calls but eventually, the dwarves made it to calmer waters.

"Anything behind us?" Thorin asked.

"Not that I can see," Balin answered.

"I think we've out run the orcs," Bofur commented after spewing water from his mouth.

"Not for long, Thorin said, "We've lost the current."

"Bombur's half drowned," Dwalin informed them.

"Make for the shore!" Thorin ordered. It didn't take the company long to reach the shore, sodden and stiff, but alive.

Kili tried to walk only to collapse, groaning in pain. But when Bofur looked concerned, Kili said, "I'm fine. It's nothing."

"On your feet," Thorin ordered.

"Kili's wounded." Bofur told him, "His leg needs binding."

"There's an orc pack on our tail. We keep moving," Thorin said.

"To where?" Balin asked.

"To the mountain," Bilbo answered, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "We're so close."

"A lake lies between us and that mountain," Balin said with a sigh. "We have no way to cross it."

"Then we go around," Bilbo suggested.
"The orcs will run us down. As sure as daylight," Dwalin said. "We've no weapons to defend ourselves."

"Bind his leg," Thorin ordered. "Quickly. You have two minutes."

"Where's Miranda?" Bilbo asked, looking around.

"I wouldn't worry about her lad," Balin said. "She will catch up to us."

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now