Chapter 15

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Third POV

In the nights that followed, Miranda continued to read the prophecies pertaining to the one ring. Smaug, who had never thought that he would find stories about men interesting, would always beg her to read one more chapter.

When she finally came to the end of the third book, Smaug stared at her and said, "This story of men was quite interesting, but is there not one more book?"

Miranda looked at her pack, there was indeed, but it was a prophecy about him. She was not sure she should read it.

"Perhaps another night. I'm not sure how you will take this prophecy," Miranda answered honestly. Smaug only grunted a reply and settled down for the night.

The following nights Smaug would continue to ask to hear the tale until finally, Miranda could take no more of it and gave in.

"I will read it," she announced one night, a few months before her third winter atop the lonely mountain. "You must promise not to get angry though. This story involves dwarves and a dragon."

"I promise!" he proclaimed excitedly, like a little child getting another cookie for dessert.

Miranda then opened up the book and began the tale of 'The Hobbit.'


Smaug took the news of his foreseen demise better than Miranda had expected. But it caused him to become more infatuated with his hoard. At the end of the book Smaug seemed calm. As if the prophecies of men could never hurt him.

Miranda soon started to ask to visit the lands of the dragons. Smaug always refused. She tried to reason with him, get him to leave his hoard so he would be safe. He would not. These conversations began to make him angry. Each day his rage grew higher and his fire grew hotter until the next time she brought it up he exploded at her.

"I will never leave my hoard! There is no way that there are any black arrows left and even then, no man, elf, or dwarf could ever do me harm! This is the end of this conversation!"

"But I cannot watch you die!" Miranda cried.

"Then leave!" Smaug roared.

Miranda stared at him; tears began rolling down her face. "Adar," she began, "I will not leave you."

"You will!" He shouted. "There is nothing more for me to teach you. You will leave tomorrow night!" With that Smaug stomped away.


That night, Miranda cried herself to sleep. Smaug looked over at her in sadness, he wished he could take it back, but he could not. Unbeknownst to Miranda, he had been angry about the prophecy. So angry that he had started to hiccup fire. Earlier that day, he had accidently burnt most of her food storage. She did not have enough to last the winter. She had to leave. 

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now