Chapter 81

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Miranda's POV

"Miranda!" I heard a harsh whisper behind me, and I turned swiftly with my sword drawn. "What are you doing here?" Balin asked me.

I relaxed with a sigh, "Balin," I whispered, putting away my sword. "I needed to."

"That's vague," Balin said, regarding me closely.

I sighed again, "Do you promise not to tell anyone?" I asked him, worry flitting across my features.

"I swear it Lass," He replied, crossing his arm over his chest and bowing. I studied his features carefully before reaching into my pack and pulling out the egg. "Is that?" I nodded, feeling the familiar thrum inside my head. "It's beautiful." I had to agree, it was all colors and none at the same time. I had no idea what color of dragon would hatch from it, but I imagined it would be a sight to behold. "It looks like the Arkenstone, but with more colors, and black undertones." Balin continued, reaching a hand out to touch it. I instinctively pulled the egg out of his reach, the look of wonder in his eyes faded into confusion. "What was that?" He asked.

"That is why I have to hide it. If the orcs found it, they would use it for evil. If other dwarves found it, then they would probably destroy it." I said, staring at the egg, as if I could see inside it.

"But, why here?" Balin asked.

"Because it will be unexpected." I replied. "Besides, I cannot look after it until after the battle. It will be safest here."

"Right under our noses," He whispered.

I nodded, "Exactly. Wait for me here, I am going to go farther in to hide it."

"I will be here," Balin said as I stood up. I nodded my thanks and walked into the darkness.

I arrived in the hall I had received the fire gem from Smaug. "Adar," I whispered into the blackness. I could have sworn I heard an answering hum in my head. No, I must have imagined it.

I dug into the coins, but they fell right back into place like sand. I sighed and flopped onto my back. I was thinking about what to do when my eyes landed on a crate. It was large enough to hold the egg, and I would be able to push it into the ground. It also might make the egg easier for me to find again.

I liked this new idea, so I carefully placed the egg inside, but I didn't like how it moved about. I looked around the room and found skeletal and mummified remains of dwarves. Their clothes were still attached to their bodies. It is wrong to defile the dead, but they didn't really need cloths anymore, right? I carefully began pulling their clothes off. I didn't take everything, just some top layers. Then my eyes landed on a silvery piece of underlying armor, "Mithril." I whispered.

I carefully pulled it off of the dwarf and slipped the egg inside of it. The egg seemed to hum in satisfaction, glowing brightly inside of the silvery cage. I used the shirts and vests to create a padded nest for it, covered it with clothing, and pushed the crate into a mountain of gold. It hardly looked any different, save some of the dwarves around the area. But they were so spread apart, I doubted anyone would notice.

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now