Chapter 45

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Third POV

The company walked into the forest and began the hard task of following the path. It seemed to twist and turn as their minds began to reel.

"The path goes this way," Thorin said. The trees creaked and moaned as they wandered, before long, they were lost.

"Air!" Bofur said, "I need air."

"My head, It's swimming!" Oin complained. "What's happening?"

"Keep moving," was Thorin's only reply. "Nori, why have we stopped?"

"The path," Nori said. "It's disappeared!"

"What's going on?" Dwalin asked.

"We've lost the path!" Oin called.

"Find it," Thorin ordered. "All of you, look. Look for the path!"

They all began searching, their heads becoming so muddled they started to go in circles but none of them remembered.

Bilbo found a spiderweb and pulled his finger though it. It made the sound of an out of tune cello string being plucked and it echoed throughout the forest. Bilbo pulled the spiderweb again the next thing he knew, they were walking again. The dwarves began arguing about who lost the sun when Thorin yelled, "Enough! Quiet all of you! We're being watched."

Then Bilbo had an idea and started climbing a tree. Once he reached the top it was as if a fog was lifted from his mind. He found the way they needed to go and as he was climbing back down, he was attacked by a spider.

Bilbo awoke surrounded by spider silk with a giant spider caressing his head. He plunged his sword into the spider's thorax. It shrieked and fell out of the tree. Bilbo hastily unwrapped himself and pulled the golden ring onto his finger.

"Kill them!" Bilbo could hear the spiders now. "Eat them now, while their blood is still running."

"Their hide is tough but there's good juice inside." A different spider said.

"Stick it again! Stick it again!" Another cried.

"Finish it off!" The first one commanded.

One of them screamed, "The meat's still alive and kicking! Kill him! Kill him now! Let us feast."

"Feast! Feast! Feast!" The others chanted. "Eat them alive! Feast! Feast! Feast!"

Bilbo threw a log in a different direction and the spiders ran off. All but one.

"Fat and juicy," It said. "Just a little taste!"

Bilbo thwacked its abdomen with his sword, and it screamed. Bilbo cut off one of its legs before jamming his sword into its mouth.

"It stings!" It screamed.

Bilbo breathed hard, "Huh, Sting. That's a good name. Sting."

Elf of Fire and Light (Book 1 Fire) Hobbit/LOTR Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now