Late night tonight.

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I was working in my bookshop humming away as I stirred my coffee with only 4 minutes till closing. I heard the bell ring and I made my way over to the front to help them.
"Hello my name is River. Welcome to my bookshop what is it that you would like?" I asked before looking up to see a smirking Spencer. "Ah it's you. Lucky you came in when you did only had 4 minutes till I closed." I told as I threw the wood stick away.
"We were having a late case trying to work this new killer out." He told as he made his way over to the back of my shop to make his own coffee.
"What's it this time?" I asked as I leaned between the doorway to keep an eye out for anyone else coming in at the last second.
"Unsub who uses chains to choke the victims out." He said as he looked for the whipped cream. "Did you not get any new cream?"
"Yeah I did. It's in the back." I told

Spencer Reid works for the fbi and once he learnt I was going to become an BAU agent before deciding to become a book shop owner he has sometimes asked me for small help on the cases. Which made us become quick friends along with our love of sweet coffee, books and our love of learning.

"So anything I can help with Dr?" I asked
"We can see." Be told as he grabbed the case out of his bag and placed it on the table.
I quickly looked at the time and saw that the shop was officially closed.
"Can you lock up while I look at this?" I asked
"Of course." I sat down and began to look over the victims.
'He can't be using the chain to kill them. They are obviously done post death. So that leaves the question about how they were actually killed.'
Spencer came back into the room and sat across from me as he began to read a new book.
"I never sold you that book. Have you been cheating on my bookstore with another bookstore?!"
"It was a gift from one of my colleagues." He told as he began to drink his coffee.
"Better not be lying to me Dr." I joked as I got up and went to one of the draws and pulled out the chains I had.
Spencer looked up at me and spotted what I was holding.
"River what are you doing?" He asked
"Seeing." I told as I began to wrap the chain around my arm a couple of times before I dropped the rest to the ground.
I stood on the chain and pulled my arm up causing the tight pain to emerge from the spots the chain laid. Spencer rushes over to me and grabbed the chain to make it so I didn't stand on it.
"Why'd you to do that?" I asked as I gave him a confused look.
"I should be asking what you are doing. Why would you do this to yourself?" He asked as he began to unwrap the chain from my arm and saw it was already beginning to bruise.
"Because we both know I bruise easily and I needed to compare."
"Yeah. Because I have a feeling the chains was used after they were already dead. Which means he used something else to suffocate them before using the chain. Shown by my now bruised arm."
"This was stupid." He told pointing to my arm.
"Eh you enjoy it." I said as I poked his stomach a few times.
"Well thank you I will tell my colleagues tomorrow. Right now I am going to get some new books and go home to relax."
"Ooooh that sounds good. I'm in." I told as I finished the rest of my coffee.
"Doctor who or Evil dead?" He asked before he did the same.
"Evil dead. Gotta love me some Bruce Campbell!" I shouted which made him chuckle. "Now go pick your books and I'm gonna go clean the file up."
"Did you know that the infamous melting of the corpse is made up of everything from oatmeal to cockroaches. Tom Sullivan stated that he wanted to make it seem like their biology actually changed." He told making me smile.
"I love it when you tell me facts." I told before seeing a detail which confused me.
I walked out and looked at Spencer who looked up once he reached the counter.
"Is everything ok River?"
"Uh yeah except you didn't tell me about how they were all placed the exact same way and all shared similar details."
"Did you work something out?"
"He is most likely into symmetry. How many has been killed so far?"
"About 4 why?"
"Well the unsub wont stop till he reaches the figure 8." I told.
"Because 8 is the most symmetrical number along with 0."
"Exactly. Which means you guys only have four more deaths till they are satisfied. Unless they decide to continue to 88 or 888 or so on."
"Ok I'm walking you home."
"We live in the same apartment Spencer."
"Then it'll be easy. Come on let's go."
"Fine." I told before checking him out and turning the lights off before locking the joint up.
We walked all the way back to his place after stopping for Chinese food and headed up to his place. We sat on the couch and began the movie.
"Oh Bruce Campbell you could give me some sugar any day of the week." I said making Spencer laugh.
"Oh shush you. I know you dr enjoy my little antics." I told.
"They are enjoyable." He told.
I was having trouble thinking about the movie since something else was on my mind.
'I know I'm safe in this apartment since it's very well guarded. Still doesn't make me worry any less.'
"Did you know that the cabin they filmed at has its own horror story." He told not taking his eyes off the tv.
"Tell me about it then." I told as I hoped to distract myself.
"During an interview with John Gallagher, Raimi recounted a horror story involving three generations of women, a grandmother, a mother and a daughter had previously occupied the cabin. One night, during a thunderstorm, the little girl woke up and was scared by the lightning happening around the cabin. She ran into her mother's room and pulling back the covers to climb into bed with her, she found her mother was dead. She was so frightened that she ran into her grandmothers room and somehow that same evening, she had died as well. He also recalled that the little girl ran into the storm to this little farm house and the family that lived there found her screaming and banging on the doors. They took care of her after that and no one lived in the cabin since. The little girl who was now an old woman when the movie was being made, during thunderstorms after the incident would often be found wandering around the woods. The story came to life during the films shooting as well."
"Is that so. Interesting."
"As they were shooting, this man from the farmhouse that she lived in was looking for her, saying that because there was a thunderstorm the night before, he was looking for this woman, because it was possible that she had returned to the cabin. And as far as they know she was never found."
"I often wonder what it would be like to go missing. How many people would actually worry and notice my disappearance." I said as I continued to watch the tv.
"I would notice right away."
"You would notice cause I wouldn't have texted you when the new shipments came in. Also sending a quote I heard to find out where it came from."
"You didn't do one today." He said as he took a brief look away from the tv.
"Didn't hear one today. Kill the deadite!"
"Makes sense."
I got comfortable on the couch and without knowing I fell asleep during the movie.

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