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Jieun's POV

I opened my eyes and saw him staring at me. He is not even moving a bit. This damn- I quickly pushed him and I stood up on my own.

He carefully stood up "Y-Your lips taste sweet"

"W-What did you just say?!" I shouted but he looks so amazed

"Shall we try again? It taste sweet" he smiled and was about to kiss me

I quickly slapped him as hard as I can "You are a pervert! How dare you! I don't even know you!"

He looked at me "Ah" he nodded an reached out his hand to me "I am Jung Jaehyun, can I kiss you again?" he smiled


"Your lips tastes so sweet. I've never tastes anything like that. Oh, I forgot, I think I smelled you too. Ugh, sweet?" he looks confused as he trying to figure out what to say

How can he fucking act like a guy who loses his mind when I'm damn angry about him getting my first kiss and asking for another one?! Who would dare try to mess up with me?! Damn it.

"Do you want to die right now?"

"What? I'm just being honest. I really want to know if it's you or not. The elderly from my place where I am from, they said that I should be honest. I was just curious but can't I really kiss you?" this guy, Jaehyun smiled while asking like it's a simple request

"You must be a play boy to ask a kiss easily?! Do you know how precious that is?! Do you know I waited for many years to give that to my first love?! H-"

The school bell rang as a sign I have a class now. I sighed and was about to go but he quickly pulled me, the next thing I knew..

He is already hugging me..

I can feel his cold body.

Why the hell does he have a cold body?! This is not the normal- He hugged me even tighter.

"W-What the hell are you doing?"

"It just feels nice to hug a someone warm" he said and chuckled while still hugging me

"Y-Ya! L-Let go of me!"

"I don't want to. You feel warm and I would love to hug you everyday" he chuckled again

I quickly let go of his hug and slapped him again "Are you playing with me?"

"Playing what?" he looks confused

"I'm going to lose my mind! You- Argh! Whatever!" I shouted and quickly left the rooftop but before I completely closed the door I heard him shouted

"Let me hug you again next time!" Jaehyun, that cold, pervert, scum!!!

I slammed the door as loud as I can and went straight to my classroom. I knocked on the door and went and sat beside Yoonah. I feel sick. He was trying to lose my mind.

"Are you okay?" Yoonah asked and tried to touch my forehead to check me

I nodded "Why?"

"It's just weird. You never attended your first class before. What happened now?" Yoonah smirked as she successfully teased me

"Are you proud of yourself?"

She smiled and winked at me "Of course, I am going to tease you a lot today"

"Stop, will you? I'm so done with that Jaehyun guy"


"Did someone dared to break our cutie lovely wild Park Jieun's heart?" Yoonah asked and tried to put my hair behind my ear and smiled "And who is Jaehyun?"

"You are dead, I swear"

"Please, introduce yourself" our teacher said as she entered the room with a new student

"He is handsome" Yoonah whispered to me

He vowed and "I am Kim Jungwoo"

"He also has a nice voice too"


Jaehyun's POV

I smiled as I saw Leeteuk who went here with us to be our guardian so we can enter "Hi!"

"Finally, my last student" Leeteuk smiled as he took a deep breath "Let's go"

"Where are they?"

"They finally entered their classrooms. You are the last piece I need so I can go back to Aersha" Leeteuk faked a smile

"Good morning, Sir. This is the schedule for Mr. Jung Jaehyun" a guy said and gave Leeteuk the folder

I forgot to ask her name but I can clearly recognize her face once I see her again. Well, it's not going to be hard since we are in the same University.

"I want to be in the same class with sweet blood"

"Sweet blood?" the guy asked

"Jung Jaehyun" Leeteuk called "He is really a funny one. I am planning to let him enter a comedy bar soon. Anyway, thank you for this" Leeteuk smiled at him

The guy vowed at me and Leeteuk, then he left us.

"I want to be classmates with her"

"Who the hell is sweet blood? Are you trying to drink a human's blood here? Don't make a mess, Jaehyun. We are trying to stay out of sight of the rankers" Leeteuk warned

"I just want to be in the same class with sweet blood. She looks beautiful, her lips are soft, her hug feels warm"

"You kissed and hugged someone on your first day? Are you kidding me? I know you are handsome, but don't make a mess. You can't be involved with humans" Leeteuk glared at me

"Oh, I forgot but her blood smells sweet to me. I swear, even you will be amazed"

"Just go to your classroom. The driver will pick you all up later after class" he said and quickly left me alone

I sighed and vowed at him "Bye"

I want to hug her again.

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